Paris School of AI: PSL University a leader in artificial intelligence and data science

PSL University is one of the European and international leaders in artificial intelligence and data science. Thanks to its research teams, it offers innovative training courses, from the 'core' disciplines of artificial intelligence to its many interfaces, right through to the business sectors that it is revolutionising.
The Paris School of AI was created as part of the IA Cluster programme (PR[AI]RIE-PSAI), announced in the France 2030 strategy. This programme aims to strengthen AI research and training in France.


Training at the Paris School of AI

Drawing on the first-rate scientific potential of PSL University, the Paris School of AI offers ambitious and innovative training programmes from undergraduate to doctoral level. These courses are designed to meet the needs of students, academics and professionals in the private and public sectors seeking expertise in artificial intelligence.
Recognised for its academic excellence, the Paris School of AI at PSL University places research at the heart of its teaching. In keeping with PSL's interdisciplinary approach, it also trains students in the uses of artificial intelligence in a wide range of applications, taking into account ethical, regulatory and sustainability issues.
The Paris School of AI is training the next generation of AI experts by offering them a stimulating learning environment that is connected to the latest scientific advances.

²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ offers original courses in artificial intelligence in core disciplines and at the interface with other disciplines

These PSL courses are operated by PSL or its component institutions: Dauphine Paris - PSL, École nationale des chartes-PSL, Ecole normale supérieure - PSL, ESPCI Paris-PSL In addition to its courses based on the core disciplines of AI (mathematics and computer science), PSL University offers original courses at the interface of artificial intelligence and other fields (humanities, health, cognitive sciences), all ways of exploiting the full potential of data science.

Executive education


Multidisciplinary Degrees in AI and Data Science

The DATA Programme: training in AI alongside your main course of study or academic career

The DATA programme brings together all the opportunities for training in AI and at the interfaces with other scientific disciplines at PSL University, in a variety of forms (dedicated courses, intensive weeks, etc.) and is aimed at all audiences: undergraduate, masters and doctoral students, professionals, lecturers and researchers.

Semaine de pré-rentrée


Research at the Paris School of IA

Research is at the heart of the Paris School of AI (PR[AI]RIE-PSAI) to develop the artificial intelligence of tomorrow. More than one hundred researchers from the PSl University, spread across its component institutions and in all scientific fields, form a unique network.
The Paris School of AI aims to accelerate the production of knowledge in fundamental and applied AI, while extending its field of exploration to a variety of disciplines, including the Humanities and the Arts.
This openness makes it possible to approach the challenges of AI from innovative angles and to encourage pioneering research with major scientific and societal spin-offs. By structuring a research ecosystem of excellence, PR[AI]RIE-PSAI is actively contributing to France's influence on the global artificial intelligence scene.