2021 IPCC assessment report: overview and comments

Le rapport du GIEC 2021, mise en perspective et commentaires

Inaugural conference of the PSL Anthropocene series at the beginning of the 2021 academic year

2021 IPCC assessment report: overview and comments

 - Jean Jouzel, former vice-chair of the Scientific Working Group of IPCC (2002-2015) and member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (ESEC)


 - Alain Fuchs, President of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳


  • Conference
  • Debate with the attendants
  • Presentation of the PSL student organizations

The conference will also be live broadcast on YouTube.

Events for the beginning of the 2021 academic year at PSL: the Antropocene

To begin the 2021 academic year, ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ sets up a series of events (such as conferences), with the help of committed students, to highlight the Anthropocene. The events are available to everyone.

9 September 2021
Recherche - Conférence

The conference will be broadcast on the YouTube channel.



Evénement en ligne - ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳
2021-09-09 18:00 2021-09-09 20:00 Europe/Paris 2021 IPCC assessment report: overview and comments Evénement en ligne - ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳