Far from the image of the patient lying on a couch, art therapy is a process of psychological support which relies on various artistic tools in order to restore confidence, reduce stress... In partnership with the CROUS of Paris within the framework CVEC funding, and in coordination with the PSL Health Service, several art therapy workshops will be organized on campus for students. Each workshop will be supervised by two art therapists, with a first part on the program which will focus on body work, dance centered on sensations and movement, then, in a second part, a return on these sensations which can be expressed graphically via pictorial creation, modeling, or collage.
The workshops will be held on Fridays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the following dates:
November 29,
January 10,
January 31,
February 10,
March 7,
April 7,
May 23.
Please note, the number of places is limited.