"En Souplesse" Soft Robotics, Art & Design

S. Bianchini

The CNRS Robotics Research Group (GDR) together with the “Material, Architecture and Embodied Intelligence” project and Potential Humanities Unit of the “Organic Robotics” Priority Programme and Equipment Research (PEPR) are organizing, in partnership with EnsadLab (the laboratory of the School of Decorative Arts – ̳), a two-day workshop exploring the crossovers and interconnections between soft robotics, art and design.

Program 6 February 2025

- Welcome and words by Emmanuel Mahé (Head of research of EnsAD – Université Paris Sciences et Lettres) - 5mn
- Introduction - Samuel Bianchini (artist and researcher, EnsAD, Paris) & Lennart Rubbert (robotics researcher, iCube - Insa, Strasbourg) - 15mn

10h20-12h30 - Robotics open to Art and Design
- Frédéric Boyer (robotics researcher, LS2N, Nantes) - 30mn
- Etienne Reyssat (material sciences researcher, ESPCI, Paris) – 30mn
- Célia Saghour (post-doctoral researcher in robotics, Lirmm, Montpellier) - 15mn
- Félix Vanneste (post-doctoral researcher in robotics and design, EnsadLab, Paris) - 15mn
Discussion with the audience - 40mn

12h30-14h00 – Lunch

14h00-15h30- Art and design open to Robotics
- Aurélie Mossé (designer-researcher, EnsadLab) - 15mn
- Ana Piñeyro (post-doctoral researcher in design, EnsadLab) - 15mn
- Lingxiao Luo (doctoral candidate in design, EnsadLab) - 10mn
- Anna Schaeffner (doctoral candidate in design, EnsadLab and Cluster Matters of Activity, Humboldt University) - 10mn
- Maude Guirault (designer, Femto-ST and EnsadLab) - 10mn
Discussion with the audience - 30mn

15h50-17h30 - Art and design projects with Robotics
- Alice Jarry (artist-researcher, Univ. Concordia, Montreal)
& Hamid Akbarzadeh (robotics researcher, Univ. Mc Gill, Montreal) - 15mn
- Yosra Mojtahedi (artist)
& Stefan Escaida Navarro (robotics researcher, Universidad de O'Higgins, San Fernando, Chili) - 15mn
- Antoine Desjardins (artist, EnsadLab)
& Giancarlo Rizza (researcher in 4D printing of multifunctional materials, CEA - École polytechnique) - 15mn
- Samuel Bianchini (artist and researcher, EnsadLab)
& Kanty Rabenorosoa (robotics researcher, Femto-ST, Besançon) - 15mn
Discussion with the audience - 40mn

18h00-19h30 – Multidisciplinary Round Table
With Christian Duriez (roboticist, research director at Inria, Defrost Team, CRIStAL, Lille), Jonas Jørgensen (artist and researcher in soft robotics, University of Southern Denmark), Rahma Khazam (philosopher and art historian, Institut ACTE, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Patricia Ribault (design theorist, Univ. Paris 8).


Program 7 February 2025

- Introduction Samuel Bianchini and Rahma Khazam - 15mn
- Marco Tamborini (Institut für Philosophie, TU Darmstadt)
"Philosophy of Soft Robotics: Translation, Orchestration, Morphological Intelligence, and Language” - 30mn
- Break - 15mn
- Jonas Jørgensen (University of Southern Denmark)
“Soft Robot Aesthetics – Engineering Sensuous Speculation” - 30mn
- Discussion with the audience - 45mn

12h15-13h45 - Lunch

- Virginie Mamet (Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles)
"From Body to (Archi)Textile: New Ways of Being. Soft Sculpture & Robotics" - 30mn
- Marinella Ferrara (Politecnico di Milano)
"Materials and Design: an intertwined relationship" - 30mn
- Break
- Emmanuel Grimaud (Lesc-CNRS, Univ. Paris Nanterre)
"Alien possibilities. Between the hard, the soft and the weird" - 30mn
- Discussion with the audience - 45mn


6 February 2025 - 18 February 2025
Recherche - Journée d'étude
École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs
̳ - Amphithéâtre Amyot - 3 rue Amyot - 75005 PARIS
2025-02-06 11:00 2025-02-18 19:00 Europe/Paris "En Souplesse" Soft Robotics, Art & Design ̳ - Amphithéâtre Amyot - 3 rue Amyot - 75005 PARIS