Kick-off: Knowledge dissemination at PSL. Stakes, purposes, and implementation

cc Marius Buet des Beaux-Arts de Paris

The mission of the PSL - Knowledge Dissemination task force is to create and lead a network to facilitate the dissemination of experience, the debate between different initiatives, and the pooling of resources based on scientific konwledge. All PSL researchers, research engineers, documentation, administrative and communication staff are invited to participate in the network's kick-off event.

PSL's strength is based on the broad spectrum of its fields of study -- Natural Sciences, Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences, Arts -- and on its strong interaction with the socio-economic world. PSL is therefore particularly on a strong position to promote mediation, based on the full use of its broad range of disciplines to shed light on the major issues facing society, and to complement mediation activities aimed at the general public, schoolchildren and teachers with specific activities aimed at professional audiences: associations, entrepreneurs, political decision-makers, professionals from the sector of culture, etc.

For this purpose, PSL-Partage des Savoirs wishes to create and lead a network composed of all staff and academics interested in knowledge dissemination. The purpose of this network is to facilitate the dissemination of experience, the debate between different initiatives, the pooling of resources, the exploration of new and original methods, the development of collaborative projects...

All PSL researchers, research engineers, documentation, administrative and communication staff are invited to participate in the network's events.


2-2:15 p.m: Introduction

  • Le partage des savoirs à PSL : enjeux (Alain Fuchs, président de l'²ÝÁñÂÛ̳)
  • Objectifs de cette demi-journée (Olivier Dauchot, porteur du projet, chercheur ESPCI - PSL)

2:15-2:45: Partage des savoirs : de quoi s’agit-il ?

  • Les enjeux de la médiations scientifiques (Antonio Gomez da Costa, Universcience)    
  • Impact social de la recherche ; recherche et innovation responsable (Mélanie Marcel, SoScience)
  • Le rôle de la culture scientifique comme infrastructure de recherche (Matteo Merzagora, ESPGG)
  • Partage des savoirs : Arts et Sciences (Samuel Bianchini, EnsAD)

2:45-3:30: Le partage des savoirs à PSL aujourd’hui

  • Ballade virtuelle autours de petits et grands projets des différents établissements de PSL


  • Ateliers de co-création : « La fête de la Science » telle que vous l’imaginez.


  • Restitutions et conclusion.
  • Discussions ad libitum
25 May 2021
Recherche - Atelier

All PSL researchers, research engineers, documentation, administrative and communication staff are invited to participate in the network's kick-off event.

Evénement en ligne - ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳
2021-05-25 14:00 2021-05-25 17:00 Europe/Paris Kick-off: Knowledge dissemination at PSL. Stakes, purposes, and implementation Evénement en ligne - ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳