"My thesis in 180 seconds": PSL final for 2022

MT 180 - Finale PSL

180 seconds to present your research topic in simple terms and convince the jury: this is the challenge that participants in the "My thesis in 180 seconds" contest take up every year.

The "My thesis in 180 seconds" competition is organized by France Universités and CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). Doctoral students can tell their research subject, with simple words, to large and diverse laypersons. Every competitor should, within 180 seconds, sum up clearly and convincingly their dissertation subject. All higher education institutions in France are invited to organize an in-house competition.

Again this year, ̳ is participating in this event. Two winners will be selected to represent PSL in the next round of the comtest at the national and international levels!

Jury members:

  • Carole Gresse, Professor of Finance at Dauphine - PSL, head of the PSL graduate program in Finance
  • Anne Varenne, Professor of Chemistry at Chimie ParisTech - PSL, head of the PSL graduate program in Chemistry
  • Anne-Marie Turcan, Director of Studies at the EPHE - PSL, co-director of PSL Partage des savoirs
  • Hugo Lachuer, PSL MT180 2021 finalist, Institut Curie
  • Nelly Manoukian, PSL Communication director, President of the jury


21 March 2022
Recherche - Pitch | Hackathon

Contact: mt180s@psl.eu

Institut Curie, Amphitéâtre Constant Burg, 12 rue Lhomond - 75005 Paris
2022-03-21 18:30 2022-03-21 20:30 Europe/Paris "My thesis in 180 seconds": PSL final for 2022 Institut Curie, Amphitéâtre Constant Burg, 12 rue Lhomond - 75005 Paris