PSL-Pepite Open Day 2018

journée portes ouvertes du psl lab tiers lieu de l'université psl

Want to start your business?

Whether you are a student or a young graduate of a PSL school, and you are looking for help to create or manage a company or an association, everyone is welcome !

On April 11th, students are welcome to discuss your business project and meet with us.

It's also an opportunity to visit the coworking space and talk with eentrepreneurs.


11 April 2018
Start-up - Portes ouvertes

Registration requested
Contact :
Twitter : @psl_pepite

33 rue Censier 75005 Paris
2018-04-11 10:00 2018-04-11 18:00 Europe/Paris PSL-Pepite Open Day 2018 33 rue Censier 75005 Paris