Spring festival of the PSL Orchestra and Choir

Festival de printemps OSC 2022

Carmen, Mozart's requiem, jazz, saxo voce... between Paris and Londres, the PSL Orchestra and Choir will hold over 15 events to celebrate with music the return of the sunny days. After two years with remote events, the Spring Festival of the PSL-OSC is back to delight us.


  • March, wednesday 9, 20h30
    • Le choeur à la chapelle - Debussy, Poulenc, Lili Boulanger, Beffa, Anthiome - Chapelle du lycée Henri IV, 23 rue Clovis, 75005 Paris
  • March, friday 11, 20h
    • Concert-cocktail - CNAM, Salle des Textiles, 292 rue Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris
  • March, saturday 12, 20h
    • 1001 Nuits du jazz - "Jazz et Classiques" - Bal Blomet, 33 rue Blomet, 75015 Paris
  • March, saturday 19, 18h
    • Vous trouvez ça classique ? - Carmen - La Seine Musicale, Ile Seguin, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt
  • March, tuesday 22, 20h
    • Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra - Institut Goethe, 17 avenue d'Iéna, 75016 Paris
  • March, thursday 24, 20h
    • Les 1001 nuits du jazz - Le jazz KLEZMER - Bal Blomet, 33 rue Blomet, 75015 Paris
  • March, monday 28, 19h30
    • Portes ouvertes orchestre PSL - Répétition explicative - ENS - PSL, 45 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris
  • March, tuesday 29, 20h
    • Saxo Voce - ENS - PSL, 45 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris
  • March, thursday 31, 20h
    • La semaine du climat - Académie du Climat, 2 place Baudoyer, 75004 Paris
  • April, tuesday 5, 20h
    • Concert sous les étoiles - Observatoire de Paris - PSL, Salle Cassini, 61 avenue de l'observatoire, 75014 Paris
  • April, thursday 7, 19h
    • Dauphine Talents - Dauphine - PSL, Amphithéâtre Edgar Faure, Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75016 Paris
  • April, monday 11, 20h30
    • Programme Nordique - Grand amphithéâtre de la Sorbonne, 47 rue des écoles, 75005 Paris
  • April, wednesday 13, 20h30
    • Ensemble de clarinettes de l'IMEP de Namur - Lycée Henri IV, Chapelle, 23 rue Clovis, 75005 Paris
  • April, thursday14, 20h
    • Ensemble de clarinettes de l'IMEP de Namur - Bal Blomet, 33 rue Blomet, 75015 Paris
  • April, 27-29
    • Tour in Londres
9 March 2022 - 28 April 2022
Campus - Festival

Reduced tickets for PSL students and staff members

2022-03-09 21:30 2022-04-28 20:00 Europe/Paris Spring festival of the PSL Orchestra and Choir