
PSL Dissertation Prize in Humanities and Social Sciences 2019: call for applications


PSL launch a call for applications to reward the best doctoral work in five Humanities and Social Sciences fields. Send application packages before January 20, 2019.

Prix de thèse SHS PSL 2018 manuscrits de l'ENS

Supported by EUR (graduate school) , the , and Labs and major research programs (Interdisciplinary and Strategic Research Initiatives) ”, “” and “”, the PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres) prizes in Humanities and Social sciences are intended to reward the best doctoral work in five fields :

  • Art Aesthetics Literature (art history, practice of the Arts & art research, history and theory in Literature)
  • Law, economics, management (including economic sociology and interfaces between economics and social sciences)
  • Humanities (History, philosophy)
  • Science / Humanities Interfaces (including archaeology)
  • Social Sciences (sociology, anthropology, ethnology and geography)

Eligible dissertations must have been defended between December 2017 and December 2018 in a French or foreign higher education institution. They can be written in one of the following languages: French, English, German, Spanish, Italian or German. A jury dedicated to each prize will be composed of five personalities from the field. The prize will be awarded by the chairman of the jury during a ceremony to be held in June 2019.


Prize amount: 5000 euros, split as follows:

  • A sum of 2000 euros;
  • 3000 euros for a research stay in Paris for foreigners, at PSL's international partners for French;

The winners will give three seminars in three partner institutions of PSL.


The schedule is as follows:

  • The deadline for submission shall be January 20, 2019 at the latest;
  • the results will be published on PSL website between May 16 and 20, 2019;
  • The awards ceremony will be held in June 2019; the winners are required to come.


The application package must be sent by e-mail only to the following address:, and must include:

  • The application form (download)
  • The two dissertation pre-reports and the defense report
  • Two detailed reference letters (one from the research director)
  • Resume either in French or in English (no more than 2 pages)
  • The dissertation

Dissertations should be sent preferably by email; however, should the file exceed the maximum possible weight, applicants may use the . Please remember to name the file with your name, the title of the dissertation and make sure to send us an email.
Applicants may only choose one topic among the five available. PSL may change the chosen category should the juries deem it necessary.

Any package either missing information or submitted after January 20, 2019, will not be accepted.

PSL Dissertation Prize in Humanities and Social Sciences 2018

In 2018, the five juries of the PSL dissertation prize in humanities and social sciences chose . Patrick Boucheron, professor at the College de France and chairman of the jury, gave a lecture during the awards ceremony: The human sciences and their aim of truth.


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Deadline: January 20, 2019