Created in 2017, PSL-iTeams is a training pathway for PSL master's students, PhD students and post-docs interested in innovation or entrepreneurship, from all disciplines and institutions (engineering schools, art or human and social sciences schools, etc.). This program aims to develop their entrepreneurial, innovation and leadership skills, while contributing to the valorization of inventions, results and knowledge generated by PSL research teams.

Curriculum organization :
During the course, students are grouped into multidisciplinary teams, with the aim of developing a strategy for valorizing their project ideas. They are supported by professionals from the world of business and technology transfer, as well as workshops and training modules. The program lasts 6 months, from November to April. Workshops take place every Tuesday evening from 6pm to 8pm (excluding school vacations).
Learning objectives :

- Idea conceptualization & creativity: helping students to develop their imagination and demonstrate innovation, enabling them to think "out of the box" when it comes to building their project and presenting it (business model canvas, pitch, etc.).
- Go-to-market strategy & market research: help identify the market and project targets, and meet users' needs in order to build a value proposition and MVP (market research, digital strategy, operational deployment, etc.).
- Project development & management: use appropriate tools to help structure project development, identify team members' skills and organize work.
- Legal & Finance: become familiar with the legal aspects of business creation, develop an intellectual property strategy and draw up a financing plan.
Skills developed :
- Know-how: market analysis, project financing, intellectual property, legal fundamentals, drawing up a business plan...
- Soft skills: interpersonal skills, adaptability, teamwork...
- Professional skills: federating a team, negotiating and convincing, structuring and managing projects, creativity, leadership, communication, identifying opportunities...
Training schedule :

During the first speed-dating session, brief presentations of the projects are made by the scientific referents. These are followed by the constitution of multi-disciplinary teams and the allocation of projects.
A workshop is held each week to address the points of the entrepreneurial path described above. Students also organize team meetings to work on their projects.A mid-term presentation takes place in December, before a jury made up of industry professionals and entrepreneurship experts. At the end of this exercise, the groups receive feedback from the jury, which is useful for the further development of their project.
A final presentation takes place at the end of March, with each team presenting its project and business model to a jury acting as investors. The best projects are rewarded. At the end of the course, the deliverables consisting of a summary of the business model (Social/Business Model Canvas) and the presentation of the final defense, prepared by the project team, will be communicated to the scientific referents behind the proposal.