PSL Tech Acceleration
The PSL Tech Acceleration program aims to offer enhanced support for deep tech start-ups within the PSL - Pasteur community, focusing on their access to the market and on human resources.
The PSL Tech Acceleration program is made up of the Deep Tech Factory for training and the Deep Tech Accelerator for acceleration. Accelerated start-ups will benefit from support and services aimed at accelerating their incubation towards the market, providing them with high-level support for market analysis, for their partnerships and pre-industrial co-developments, and in strengthening their leadership and teams.
PSL Tech Acceleration is coordinated by ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳, with the involvement of four of its Component Schools (Chimie Paris - PSL, Dauphine - PSL, ESPCI Paris - PSL, MINES Paris - PSL), Institut Curie (associate member) and Institut Pasteur. It will receive €1.5 million in funding over two years through the Bpifrance "Intégration SIA" call for proposals, to promote the development of deep tech start-ups within the PSL – Pasteur community. It will build on the entrepreneurial dynamics of the ecosystem and create a structured acceleration program, complemented by training for entrepreneurs and researchers.
PSL Tech Acceleration will become part of the PSL - Pasteur ecosystem, complementing the support provided to start-ups by the incubators and by the associated development services. It will complement the other programs dedicated to PSL and Pasteur start-ups, in particular PSL Tech Seed (linked to the French Tech Seed fund managed by Bpifrance), and the PSL Innovation Fund, created in partnership with Elaia Partners.

Program components
Action 1: Training (Deep Tech Factory)
The Deep Tech Factory offers a unique contribution to the higher education landscape, with the dual objective of (i) training and supporting the future managers of deep tech start-ups at PSL and Pasteur, and (ii) contributing to the transfer of technologies from PSL laboratories. It is open to a variety of profiles: professionals from the private sector, but also researchers and young graduates from business or engineering schools who want to join a deep tech project. Students will go on to contribute to the leadership (as CEO but also COO, CFO, CMO, etc.) of the deep tech start-ups nurtured within PSL-Pasteur, especially those participating in the Deep Tech Accelerator.
Action 2: Market Access (Deep Tech Accelerator)
This action aims to prepare and support start-ups in accessing the market, by systematizing the process of conducting advanced market studies and by providing appropriate resources (databases, a network of experts and consultants). This will enable the start-ups supported to be more relevant in their value proposition, optimize their positioning and shorten their time to market. This action will also include the study of regulatory issues, and will allow the start-ups to access appropriate expertise and define an optimal strategy that integrates these regulatory aspects.
Action 3: Pre-industrialization and partnerships (Deep Tech Accelerator)
Deep tech start-ups need to be able to anticipate their product development and the implementation of associated partnerships and co-developments. By facilitating access to specialized support in the prototyping and pre-industrialization stages, and for associated partnerships, the Deep Tech Accelerator will enable companies to develop on a solid foundation. Start-ups will benefit from access to engineering and prototyping resources, either internal to PSL - Pasteur (Fablabs, workshops, etc.) or through specialized service providers.
Action 4: Human Resources and Leadership (Deep Tech Accelerator)
This action will provide pooled resources (entrepreneurs in residence, Head of Talents, pooling of managers), as well as networking and sharing of best practice. A pool of entrepreneurs-in-residence will be created, who will be able to interact with the projects and eventually join them. The profiles of these entrepreneurs-in-residence will be varied, in order to meet the diverse range of needs of the projects (including finance, marketing, business development, operations). The formats for interaction with the projects will be flexible, but some standards will be proposed for reference.

Application and process:
If you are interested in this program, please contact PSL Valorisation ( or one of the other parties involved (e.g. the promotion structure or incubator you are working with, where applicable):
- You will be invited to meet with the PSL Tech Acceleration team to present your start-up and confirm your eligibility for the Deep Tech Accelerator, or the Deep Tech Factory if you are interested in one of these courses.
- Where appropriate, the Deep Tech Accelerator staff will draw up a roadmap with you describing your company's development objectives, as well as the support and services that will be provided. The duration of the support will be adapted to the needs of the projects, and will typically be from 12 to 18 months.
- After validation of this roadmap by the PSL Tech Acceleration Steering Committee, the expenses associated with the support and services package may be co-financed at 50% by PSL Tech Acceleration.
This roadmap will be implemented and followed with you by the Deep Tech Accelerator staff; where appropriate we will put you in touch with the pool of entrepreneurs in residence associated with the program.