The Doctoral College of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳
Whether in the fundamental sciences, engineering and applied sciences, humanities and social sciences, arts and literature, environmental sciences, or management science, a PSL doctorate is a path of excellence within our dissertation preparation schools featuring unique support provided by the Doctoral College within a world-renowned research-intensive university.
Preparations for the doctorate degree take place in an entity within a doctoral school, under the supervision of accredited schools. The PhD research work is carried out in a unit evaluated by the French High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education or other bodies evaluate the unit in which the PhD research work is carried out and approve its procedures. The work is supervised by a dissertation adviser belonging to this school...
Article 10 of the Decree of August 26, 2022 establishing the national framework for education and the procedures leading to the national doctorate degree.
Find all the dissertation topics available throughout ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ on the . Each offer presents all the relevant information about a given doctoral project, including specialty, the dissertation adviser, the research and supervisory team, financing and the application process.
The doctoral contract
The doctoral contract is open to any doctoral student in the first year of their dissertation, regardless of their age or nationality.
Created by the Decree of April 23, 2009, the doctoral contract provides all the employment guarantees of a legal work contract and generally lasts three years.
The doctoral student under contract may be given tasks exclusively dedicated to research, or they may be given other tasks such as teaching, scientific and technical information, research transfers, and consulting or expert assignments in companies or public administrations.
How PSL contracts are signed
The doctoral contracts are assigned to ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ graduate programs. The doctoral college coordinates the awarding of doctoral contracts and how they are distributed among the dissertation preparation schools at PSL.
Each graduate program assigns doctoral contracts to doctoral schools accredited or co-accredited by ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ and affiliated with the graduate program.
Doctoral school students are selected by a jury usually comprised of PSL faculty and external members. Most often, candidates are interviewed. In addition to the candidate's experience and dissertation topic, this interview seeks to confirm their interest in research and their ability to present the benefits of their project.
Call for applications in structuring projects for PSL
The doctoral contracts are assigned to ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ graduate programs. The doctoral college coordinates the awarding of doctoral contracts and how they are distributed among the dissertation preparation schools at PSL.
Each graduate program assigns doctoral contracts to doctoral schools accredited or co-accredited by ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ and affiliated with the graduate program.
Doctoral school students are selected by a jury usually comprised of PSL faculty and external members. Most often, candidates are interviewed. In addition to the candidate's experience and dissertation topic, this interview seeks to confirm their interest in research and their ability to present the benefits of their project.
Doctoral contracts for those with disabilities
As part of its policy towards those with disabilities, France’s Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MENESR) runs "Doctorat Handicap". This initiative is a key part of the ministry's policy of inclusion that seeks to encourage those with disabilities to continue their studies at the PhD level.
The campaign helps finance 30 three-year contracts. Click to find out more about doctoral contracts for those with disabilities, eligibility criteria and how to apply.
Industrial agreements for training through research (CIFRE)
This is a program established by France’s Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MENESR) to boost exchanges and research partnerships between academia (public research laboratories) and the socioeconomic realm (businesses), increase PhD graduates' job prospects in companies and contribute to French businesses' innovation processes.
It brings together three partners:
- A company entrusts a doctoral student with research work that forms the topic for their dissertation
- The laboratory, external to the company, provides scientific supervision for the PhD student
- The PhD student, who holds a Master's-level diploma
The Industrial Agreements for Training through Research (CIFRE) program offers the company financial aid to hire a young PhD student whose research work, supervised by a public research laboratory, will lead to a dissertation.
CIFREs are fully funded by MENESR, who has entrusted their implementation to the National Association of Research and Technology (ANRT).
To learn more about the program, its conditions and how to apply, see the website.
> NEW: As part of the "1000 doctorants pour les territoires" program to expand take-up of the CIFRE program among public players and associations, a platform to connect the three participants required for a CIFRE application (the public authority or association, the dissertation advisor and future PhD student) has been created.
Other sources of funding
There are other sources of funding for doctoral degrees from research entities, local authorities (especially regions), foundations, and associations.
Conditions for admission
Before enrolling in the program, doctoral students must obtain approval from their dissertation advisor and be admitted to a research unit or team that belongs to a PSL-accredited or co-accredited doctoral school.
The selection procedures are established by the doctoral schools. The doctoral school's director ensures that the scientific, material and financial conditions are fulfilled so that the research work can be carried out smoothly.
The enrollment procedure
At ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳, students enroll in a dissertation preparation school.
This generally takes place from September 1st until mid-December for the current year. Exceptions can be granted in accordance with the rules in force in the dissertation preparation schools.
The enrollment procedure takes place in two steps, and your points of contact are:
- The doctoral school for your research unit/team of registration
- The department in charge of PhD students' education in the preparation school for your enrollment.
Enrollment takes place online on the , and the documents concerning enrollment/re-enrollment procedures are available in the resources section.
During the three years of their dissertation, each doctoral student must build their training portfolio with around a hundred hours of courses. Each doctoral school sets its own rules for approving course hours.
Training in research ethics and scientific integrity is required during the dissertation, as stated by the ministry decree of May 25, 2016.
Enrollment in courses offered by the Doctoral College takes place exclusively on the . You must be an enrolled doctoral student for the academic year in question.
PhD students with more than two unjustified absences do not have priority in the courses offered by the college. Invitations to training courses are sent to your student e-mail address.
You can find the course catalog for PSL doctoral students .
Important points to bear in mind
The number of places per course is limited, and enrollment may be refused if there is not enough space. Therefore, if a PhD student enrolls in a course, they agree to fully attend the entire course.
Some courses offered by the are also open to doctoral students under contract at PSL.
Each institution's library offers courses for doctoral students all year long. Check your school's website for more information.
Authorization to defend
Authorisation to defend a thesis is granted by the head of the institution, after receiving the opinion of the director of the doctoral school, on the proposal of the thesis director.
The doctoral student's work is examined beforehand by at least two HDR or equivalent referees, appointed by the head of the institution, on the recommendation of the director of the doctoral school, after consulting the thesis director. In the case of work involving people from the socio-economic or cultural world who do not belong to the academic world, a third rapporteur, recognised for his or her expertise in the field, may be appointed on the recommendation of the doctoral school director, after consulting the thesis director.
The rapporteurs must be members from outside the doctoral school and PSL University (unless an exemption is granted if the disciplinary field or the content of the work does not allow this) and have no involvement in the thesis work.
Language of my thesis
The language in which the thesis is written must comply with article L121-3 of the French Education Code, relating to the use of the French language.
Given the growing number of non-French-speaking doctoral students and the internationalisation of thesis juries, the use of English is accepted subject to :
- authorisation from the Director of the institution, after consultation with the Director of the Doctoral School and on the recommendation of the thesis director.
- providing a substantial summary in French of each chapter of the thesis.
Composition of the jury
For each thesis, the jury is appointed by the head of the institution, after consultation with the director of the doctoral school to which the student belongs and the thesis director.
Article 18 of the new Decree of 25 May 2016 governs the composition of thesis juries. In practice, the rules governing the composition of the jury are as follows:
- The jury comprises between 4 and 8 members, including:
- The candidate's thesis director
- At least half of the members of the jury must be from outside the research unit where the doctorate was prepared, the doctoral school to which the candidate belongs and PSL University.
- Half of the jury must be professors or equivalent.
- Its composition must ensure a balanced representation of men and women.
- One of the members of the jury must be a PSL researcher holding the HDR.
- At least half of the members of the jury must not have taken part in the thesis work.
- The Chairman of the Jury must be a Professor or equivalent.
- The thesis director, as well as any other person who took part in directing the thesis, does not take part in the decision. They may not chair the jury.
- Personalities may participate as guest members (maximum two). An invited member sits in on the defence but does not sign the documents relating to the defence and is not considered to be an examiner.
Thesis Defence
The defence is public, unless an exemption is granted in exceptional circumstances by the head of the establishment, if the subject of the thesis is of a clearly confidential nature.
Admission or postponement is decided after deliberation by the jury.
> In exceptional circumstances, and with the exception of the Chair, the members of the jury may take part in the examination by videoconference or electronic means that enable them to be identified and to participate effectively in a collegial deliberation.
The president signs the defense report, which is countersigned by all the members of the jury present at the defense, with the exception of the director and co-director.
The Chair issues an opinion on whether the thesis can be published as is or with corrections.
Dissemination/ Confidentiality of the thesis
When submitting a thesis electronically via the STAR application (Signalement des thèses électroniques, archivage et recherche), the doctoral student must comply with PSL's Charter for the electronic distribution of theses.
It is the responsibility of the supervisory team to ensure that deadlines are met and that all submissions are compliant (cover model, summaries on the back cover, title of the thesis, members of the jury, mention of co-supervision, etc.).
Thesis cover pages and back covers must comply with the graphic charter approved by PSL. Generic models are available in the ‘Documentation and Regulations’ tab, to be completed under the authority of the thesis department of the institution preparing the thesis.
Vigilance is recommended if a confidentiality clause is applied to the thesis: the mention of confidentiality as well as the end date must be affixed to the thesis cover.
Except in the case of a confidentiality clause, the institution where the thesis is defended ensures access to the thesis within its own institution and within the university community. Online distribution of the thesis beyond this perimeter is subject to the author's authorisation, subject to the absence of a confidentiality clause.
Issue of the diploma
A diploma certificate is issued by the institution in charge of the defence as soon as the final version of the manuscript has been entered into STAR and provided that the documents relating to the defence and the dissemination of the thesis have been submitted to the thesis department of the institution in charge of the defence. The doctor has a maximum of 3 months after the defence to close the file.
The degree awarded is a Doctorat de l'²ÝÁñÂÛ̳, prepared at [institution where the thesis was prepared].
Practical information
For practical details specific to your thesis preparation institution, contact :
- The department responsible for doctoral students at the institution where you are preparing your thesis, which is in charge of your administrative follow-up
Regulations of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ :
Charte du doctorat PSL
Couvertures de thèse PSL
International doctors
Other Documents
The graduation ceremony for PSL PhD students is organized conjointly by the PSL Doctoral College and PSL's Communications department. This joint ceremony demonstrates the close integration of schools at PSL and boosts the national and international visibility of the PSL Doctorate.
This is an event that brings everyone together and reinforces the cohesion between doctors of all disciplines, as well as fostering a sense of belonging at ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳.
The event gathers all ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ doctors from all schools and disciplines alongside the President of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ and school heads.
Doctors are called onto the stage in six thematic cohorts (Humanities; Engineering Science; Mathematics and Computer science; Physics and Chemistry; Biology, Earth & Space Science; Social Science and Decision-Making Sciences). For each cohort, one or two doctors speak for a few minutes about their doctorate experience. At most, there will be 12 doctors speaking, representing their school and discipline.
The ceremony is also broadcast online for those who cannot attend.
The Doctoral College federates and promotes PSL University's doctoral programmes in France and internationally. It brings together the 30 doctoral schools accredited or co-accredited by PSL University and coordinates exchanges and the sharing of best practices between the doctoral schools and the institutions that prepare the theses. With a view to ensuring continuity between Master's degrees and doctorates, the Doctoral College works closely with the Graduate Programmes of the ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ in order to structure and articulate the range of 2nd and 3rd cycle programmes in a flexible and dynamic way, thereby making them more easily understandable, particularly internationally: each doctoral school is thus attached to one or more Graduate Programmes.
The main missions of the PSL Doctoral College are to :
- Implementing PSL's doctoral policy;
- Promote dialogue between the various players involved in the doctoral panorama of PSL University: doctoral schools, thesis preparation institutions, doctoral students, doctoral candidates and supervisors;
- Ensuring the exchange of best practice and the implementation of common procedures at PSL University level (working groups, doctoral school workshop, quarterly and half-yearly meetings);
- Promote doctoral studies at PSL University in France and abroad;
- Design a catalogue of doctoral training courses and manage their pooling across the whole of PSL University;
- Helping doctoral students pursue their careers and find employment;
- Keeping a legal watch on 3rd cycle regulations;
- Drawing up the doctoral charter and doctoral regulations for PSL University;
- Coordinate and respond to doctoral surveys (Siredo, IPDoc);
- Play an active role in the Réseau National des Collèges Doctoraux (RNCD) (National Network of Doctoral Colleges) by contributing to discussions and actions concerning the doctorate in France and internationally;
- Disseminating procedures and making available reception and support services for national and international doctoral students, with the help of the Welcome Desk and the Student Health Service (SSE);
- Managing the ADUM platform at PSL University level (procedures, documentation, indicators);
- Circulate all useful information to doctoral students (fairs, events, calls for projects, mobility opportunities, etc.);
- Organise the Doctoral Ceremony, in collaboration with PSL's Communications Department;
PSL University offers postgraduate courses covering a wide range of disciplines, from exact sciences to research/creation.
Degrees are awarded by the ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ and prepared within its component institutions in validated by the boards of doctoral schools accredited or co-accredited by the ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳.
Translated with (free version)
Les modalités d’inscription administrative sont propres à chaque établissement de préparation de la thèse.
Les doctorants doivent se renseigner directement auprès du service scolarité/doctorat de leur établissement opérateur d’inscription (École nationale des chartes – PSL, École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris – PSL, École normale supérieure – PSL*, Mines Paris – PSL**, École Pratique des Hautes Études – PSL, ESPCI Paris – PSL***, Observatoire de Paris – PSL, Paris-Dauphine – PSL, École nationale supérieure d'architecture Paris-Malaquais).
* L’ENS-PSL est également opérateur d’inscription pour les 5 écoles d’art, le Collège de France ainsi que pour les doctorants préparant leur doctorat dans les unités de recherche "Architecture, culture, sociétés, UMR AUSer (ACS-UMRAUSer)" et " Laboratoire infrastructure, architecture, territoire" (LIAT) de l'Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture Paris Malaquais.
** Les Mines Paris-PSL est également établissement opérateur des doctorants préparant leur doctorat dans l'Unité de recherche "Géométrie- Structure- Architecture" (GSA) de l'Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture Paris Malaquais.
*** L’ESPCI Paris-PSL est également opérateur d’inscription pour l’Institut Curie.
Quant à l'inscription pédagogique, les doctorants doivent se renseigner auprès de leur école doctorale.
Les établissements de préparation de la thèse de l'²ÝÁñÂÛ̳:
The SACRe-PSL doctoral programme gives access to a doctorate in research through art recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESRI).
This programme, which is part of the , was created in 2012 through the cooperation of six institutions: five major national higher education institutions: the Conservatoire national supérieur d'art dramatique (CNSAD), the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris (CNSMDP), the École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs (ENSAD), the École nationale supérieure des métiers de l'image et du son (La Fémis), the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (Beaux-Arts), - and the École normale supérieure (ENS).
The aim of this doctoral programme is to provide research training for a new generation of creators, a national and international challenge, and to stimulate exchanges and synergies between the sciences (human, social and exact) and creation in all its forms.
The SACRe doctoral programme lasts three years and leads:
artists to a doctorate in art and creation, placing practice at the centre of research
- Researchers in the humanities and social sciences, or in the exact sciences, to a theoretical doctorate - in art history, theatre studies, film studies, philosophy, or the exact sciences, etc. - on subjects involving an intimate knowledge of the art world. - on subjects involving an intimate knowledge of artistic processes and the artistic environment.
- Students enrol in one of the affiliated art schools as well as ED 540, the doctoral school for arts, humanities and social sciences.
For more information, visit the page or contact the programme coordinator.
An exchange and support scheme for doctoral students at PSL University, launched for the first time in 2022 by a group of researchers from the Observatoire de Paris-PSL and the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes-PSL, with the aim of supporting doctoral students at PSL in the development of their careers, reducing inequalities in research and increasing the participation of women in research and higher education.
The programme is open to all female doctoral students doing their doctorate at a PSL University institution in the hard sciences (STEM) or the humanities and social sciences (SHS).
The registration campaign takes place in October, for both doctoral students and mentors, for the following calendar year.
Doctoral students on the programme benefit from the guidance of mentors from all backgrounds (teacher-researchers, researchers, engineers from the public or private sector). For twelve months, in addition to one-to-one meetings with their mentor, each month the mentees take part in workshops, training courses, discussion circles or conferences, so that they can be better supported in building their career plans.
The aim is to address the challenges that the mentees will face in their professional and personal lives, in particular: work-life balance, self-confidence, decision-making, doing a post-doc abroad, building a professional project, career prospects (academic or not).
The programme enables participating doctoral students to validate 20 hours of doctoral training. Applications are made directly on the ADUM platform, and in the event of strong demand, the steering committee will select the candidates. An information meeting will be held before the programme is launched.
Members of the Femmes et Sciences PSL mentoring steering committee
- Rhita-Maria Ouazzani, Astronome-adjointe, Observatoire de Paris - PSL
- Sophie Masson, Astronome-adjointe, Observatoire de Paris - PSL
- Elsa Huby, Astronome-adjointe, Observatoire de Paris - PSL
- Sophie Thenet, Directrice d’études, EPHE - PSL
- Valentine Zuber, Directrice d’études, EPHE - PSL
- Emmanuel Bellamie, Directeur d’études, EPHE – PSL
- Evelyne Fischer, ENS-PSL
- Valentina Krachamalnicoff, ESPCI-PSL
- Myriam Bouveret, ENS-PSL
Contact email:
More information on the programme is available here !
Artificial Intelligence for the Sciences (AI4theSciences) is a doctoral programme led by ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ and supported and co-funded by the European Horizon 2020- Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions-COFUND programme.
Launched in 2020, this six-year programme will fund 26 doctoral contracts at the interface of artificial intelligence and massive data processing over three cohorts.
The call for applications is generally launched around February, with the aim of starting the doctorate the following academic year.
In addition to the training provided at their institution, the programme's laureates are trained in AI and Machine Learning techniques, in writing popular articles, in Open Science and in acquiring cross-disciplinary non-academic skills.
The scientific leader of the project is Thomas Walter.
For more information, contact AI For Sciences Team PSL.
The habilitation to direct research recognises the candidate's high scientific level, the originality of his or her approach in a scientific field, his or her ability to master a research strategy in a sufficiently broad scientific or technological field and his or her ability to supervise young researchers.
This diploma entitles the holder to apply for access to the body of university professors, to be thesis director or to be chosen as thesis rapporteur.
The habilitation to direct research is defined by the
In accordance with the decree of 5 November 2019, ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ is authorised to award the habilitation to direct research (Statuts, art. 13, 6°). The administrative management of the PSL HDR has been delegated to eight PSL component institutions.
The diploma awarded is a Habilitation à diriger des recherches (Habilitation to direct research) from PSL University, presented to [operating institution].
Below is the list of PSL University establishments that prepare the HDR diploma. The procedure and conditions are specific to each institution.
École nationale des chartes – PSL
École normale supérieure – PSL
The ENS-PSL Thesis Unit is responsible for the administrative aspects of the habilitation procedure.
Applications are open to all candidates, both internal and external to the Ecole normale supérieure.
Requests for information should be sent to the following address:
École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris – PSL
Administrative monitoring of the procedure for awarding the habilitation to supervise research (HDR) is carried out by
by the Thesis Department of Chimie ParisTech - PSL.
All requests for information should be sent by email to:
École Pratique des Hautes Études – PSL
The registration procedure for the HDR at EPHE-PSL is available here.
Two sessions are organised during the year:
- Spring session - application deadline: 15 February 2024
- Autumn session - application deadline: 15 September 2024
For more information, follow this link or write to
École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de ma ville de Paris– PSL
The ESPCIr Doctoral Department is responsible for the administrative aspects of the HDR procedure. Any request for information or intention to defend the HDR should be sent to the following address:
École des Mines de Paris– PSL
Observatoire de Paris – PSL
The registration procedure for the HDR at the Observatoire de Pris-PSL is described on this . It is managed entirely by the HDR unit, whose representative is Zakaria Meliani.
For further information, please write to:
Paris Dauphine – PSL
All information relating to the Dauphine-PSL HDR defence procedure is available on the ENT; only the defence notices can be found on this .
For more information about the HDR at Dauphine-PSL, contact Karine BEAUVALLET
Doctoral Schools and Graduate Programs
> PSL Doctoral Schools
Graduate Programs:
The Doctoral School offers physicists and mathematicians training in and through research in the vast interdisciplinary field of astronomy and all the observation, measurement and calculation methods therein.
It covers a field that is rapidly and always expanding, with the discovery of extra-solar planets, the revival of cosmology and how it interfaces with particle physics, the development of astrochemistry, in-situ exploration of the solar system, space navigation, and the interaction of planetology with the sciences of planet Earth.
- School Director: Thierry FOUCHET
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Doctoral School 472 brings together all the faculty and the approximately 600 doctoral students working at EPHE.
It includes three fields: "History, Texts, Documents" (HTD); "Religions and Thought Systems" (RSP); "Integrated Systems, the Environment and Biodiversity" (SIEB).
- School Director: Christopher CARCAILLET
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Founded in 2010, the Literature, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Doctoral School stands out through the diversity of its disciplines and its attachment to multidisciplinarity. In this regard, it develops a PhD-level program that is already at the core of the years of study at the École Normale Supérieure. One of its key aims is to carry out new work that combines multiple disciplines, promoting research topics that can only be investigated by calling on different fields.
- School Director: Charlotte GUICHARD
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
The SDOSE Doctoral School is a joint initiative of Paris Dauphine - PSL and Mines Paris - PSL that extends the scope of the Dauphine - PSL Doctoral School to the laboratories of Economics, Management and STS (Science, Technology, Society) of Mines Paris - PSL. It is led by Université Paris Sciences et Lettres and is attached to the PSL Doctoral School.
At SDOSE Doctoral School, the doctorate can be prepared at or at .
- School Director: Thierry KIRAT
- Contact:
- Website:
Programmes Gradués :
Graduate Programs:
Doctoral School 564 is led by Université Paris Sciences et Lettres and is co-accredited by: Sorbonne Université (SU), l'Université Paris Cité (UPC), l'Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay).
Its scope mainly covers the physics of fundamental interactions, quantum physics of diluted or condensed matter, statistical physics, the physics of soft or biological matter as well as the fundamental aspects of optics, acoustics and hydrodynamics.
Its scientific positioning is in fundamental, theoretical and experimental physics and the applications that naturally follow from that.
- School Director and Point of Contact: Frédéric CHEVY
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
The ISMME Doctoral School covers engineering at the ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ Doctoral College. It brings together around 240 doctoral students preparing their dissertations at École des Mines Paris - PSL, at École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL or at École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris Malaquais within internationally renowned research units. The students conduct guided research to develop new skills to use for the betterment of society.
It aims to train doctoral students in and through research in projects that combine fundamental and applied research. Their PhD education serves as valuable professional experience working closely with the socioeconomic world.
- School Director: Marie-Hélène BERGER
- Contact: edismme
- Website: under construction
Graduate Program:
The Life Sciences Doctoral School led by Université Paris Sciences et Lettres grew out of the ambition to create a doctoral school of excellence that could compete at the national and international levels, supported by teams developing cutting-edge research in biology at the frontier of knowledge and its applications in biotechnology and health. The school's scientific fields cover the life sciences.
- School Directors: Clément LENA (Director) Stéphanie MISEREY (Assistant Director)
- Contact:
- Website: Life Sciences Doctoral School
> Doctoral schools co-accredited by PSL
The STIC Doctoral School is co-accredited by Université Côte d'Azur and Université Paris Sciences et Lettres. The scientific fields cover a broad range of disciplines from electronics to computer science, in addition to automation and signal processing.
Located in the heart of Sophia Antipolis – Europe's biggest technology park – the STIC Doctoral School is backed by its partner laboratories (INRIA Méditerranée, CNRS I3S, CNRS LEAT, Mines Paris-PSL) to offer cutting-edge training in research leading to a doctorate in these disciplines, in close collaboration with the high-tech companies in Sophia Antipolis.
- School Directors: Jean-Paul Comet (Director), Sylvie Icart (Assistant Director), Xavier Pennec (Assistant Director)
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Doctoral School 129 offers training in and through research in the largely interdisciplinary field of the environmental sciences.
It is co-accredited by Sorbonne Université (SU, leading school), Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay), Université Paris Cité (UPC), and Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL).
The doctoral school covers the multidisciplinary fields related to understanding the physical, chemical and biological balance of Earth's environment.
- School Directors: Pascale Bouruet-Aubertot (Director), Solène Turquety (Assistant Director, SU), Valérie Daux (Assistant Director, UPSaclay)
- Contact: SU coordinator, UPSaclay coordinator
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Doctoral School 158 is co-accredited by Sorbonne Université (SU, leading school), Université Paris Cité (UPC), and Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL). It brings together the neuroscience and cognitive science teams of these three institutions along with a few others (Institut Pasteur, Université Paris-Saclay, etc.).
ED3C's scientific field covers all the fields within the two domains of cognitive science and neuroscience.
- School Directors: Régis Lambert (Director), Thérèse Colins (Assistant Director, UPC), Claudia Lunghi (Assistant Director, PSL)
- Contact:
- Website:
ED 188 is co-accredited by Sorbonne Université and Université Paris Sciences et Lettres.
The doctoral school's name indicates clearly what its scientific field of activity is: the history of the modern and contemporary eras, in the meaning given to them by the Académie Française, i.e., the period from the end of the 15th century to today. This specialization in modern and contemporary history is unique among French doctoral schools. It grants ED 188 a strong disciplinary coherence and solid internal cohesion.
- School Directors: Reynald ABAD (Director), Catherine MAYEUR-JAOUEN (Assistant Director)
- Contact: Fédoi CHAFIC
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Doctoral School 286 serves as one of EHESS's major poles of doctoral education in the humanities and social sciences. It is co-accredited with Université Paris Sciences et Lettres.
This unique doctoral school offers 11 programs, precisely reflecting EHESS's overall profile: interdisciplinary, international, concerned with understanding our world and our societies over time using tools of critical, comparative, reasoned intelligence, continually replenished at the sources of a science of people and humanity.
- School Director: Pierre Monnet
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
ED 364 is co-accredited by two institutions: Université Côte d’Azur (UCA, support structure) and Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL). It is certified to award degrees in the following specializations: Chemistry, Materials, Digital Mechanics and Materials, Digital Mathematics, High-Performance Computing and Data, Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics, Environmental Sciences, Earth & Space Science, Engineering Sciences.
- School Directors: Giovanna TISSONI (Director), Paola Goatin (Assistant Director, UCA), Elie Hachem (Assistant Director, PSL)
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Created in 2000, ED 386 offers research programs in the following disciplines: fundamental mathematics (analysis, algebra, geometry, etc.), applied mathematics (probabilities, statistics, scientific calculations, etc.), fundamental computer sciences, and other fields in computing (signal processing, imaging, etc.) related to mathematics.
It includes most mathematics laboratories within the Paris city limits, the computer laboratories of Université Paris Cité, ENS-PSL as well as several teams affiliated with INRIA. Its lead institution is Sorbonne Université, the main accreditor.
- School Directors: Elisha FALBEL (Director), Pierre-Henri Chaudouard (Assistant Director, Mathematics), Delia Kesner (Assistant Director, Computer Science)
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Doctoral School 388 is led by Sorbonne Université and co-accredited by three schools: Université Paris Cité, Université Paris Sciences et Lettres and IFP Energies Nouvelles.
It hosts the best teams in central Paris active in the fields of chemistry and physics as well as modern analytical chemistry. It brings together institutions of higher education and research and industrial and commercial public institutions with laboratories in central and greater Paris.
- School Directors: Alexa COURTY (Director), Loïc JOURNEL (Assistant Director, SU), Jolanta SWIATOWSKA (Assistant Director, PSL), Benoit LIMOGES (Assistant Director, UPC)
- Contact: Koonavadee SOOBRAYEN
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Doctoral School 391 is led by Sorbonne Université and co-accredited by Université Paris Sciences et Lettres:
Its aim is to foster the emergence of the engineering sciences on the Paris site and boost their visibility in the greater Paris region.
It is naturally open to research related to technology and industry, in the sciences and technologies that fall within its purview.
- School Directors: Djimedo KONDO (Co-Director), Faiz BEN AMAR (Co-Director)
- Contact: Charlotte VALLIN
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Doctoral School 397 is led by Sorbonne Université (SU) and co-accredited by Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL): It takes a generalist approach to material sciences that combines the contributions of physics and chemistry and interfaces with the life sciences, earth sciences and the sciences of the environment.
- School Directors: Nadine WITKOWSKI (Director), Olivier Durupthy (Assistant Director)
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
The GRNE Doctoral School includes seven high-level research laboratories that bring together more than 250 researchers and faculty members, including nearly 100 accredited to supervise research, affiliated with Sorbonne Université, MINES Paris-PSL and IFP-School/IFPEN.
The primary domains of education concern hydroscience, the environment and water resources; hydrolgeology; hydrology; biogeoscience; sedimentary basins and energy resources; lithosphere dynamics; mineralogy; geochemistry; geoscience and geoengineering; geophysics; geotechnics; geostatistics; and mineral science.
- School Directors: Loïc LABROUSSE (Director), Alexandrine GESRET (Assistant Director, PSL)
- Contact: Laurence Pastor
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Doctoral School 406 is led by Sorbonne Université (SU) and co-accredited by Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL).
ED 406's research themes fall within the diverse field of molecular chemistry: organic synthesis methods, medicinal chemistry, biomolecular synthesis and manipulation, enzyme structure/reactivity, bio-organometallic chemistry, bio-inspired complexes, organometallic complexes, functional polymetallic coordination complexes, and molecular materials.
- School Directors: Cyril OLLIVIER (Director), Fethi BEDIOUI (Assistant Director)
- Contact:
- Website:
Doctoral School 465 brings together research teams in the field of economics and related disciplines (mathematics, statistics and sociology) at Université Paris 1, EHESS, ENS-PSL and ENPC.
It offers first-class training in economic research. It covers a wide range of research topics. Doctoral students at EPS take part in the teaching and research programs of the Paris School of Economics. They are also integrated into international networks, such as the European Doctoral Program in Quantitative Economics, Economic Behavior and Interaction Models and the Quantitative Economic Doctorate.
- School Director: Mouez FODHA
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
The FIRE Doctoral School is an international, interdisciplinary doctoral program, co-accredited by Université Paris Cité (UPC) and Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL), that welcomes students who are passionate about helping to implement the SDGs, eager to explore new disciplinary interfaces using innovative approaches, with real-world impact potential, and to collaborate and communicate effectively with a wide range of stakeholders.
- School Directors: Muriel MAMBRINI (Co-Director), David TARESTE (Co-Director)
- Contact: Elodie KASLIKOWSKI
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Doctoral School 515 is led by Sorbonne Université (SU) and co-accredited by Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL):
CDV's scientific scope covers all the molecular and cellular aspects of biological processes in the fields of genetics, genomics, cell and development biology, microbiology and immunology, biochemistry, structural biology, systems biology and evolutionary biology.
The doctoral school thus encourages transdisciplinary projects, and CDV welcomes researchers and doctoral students whose initial training is not in biology but who are conducting research projects within the DS's scientific scope.
- School Directors: Frédéric Devaux (Director), Nathalie Dostatni (Assistant Director, PSL)
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Doctoral School 560 is co-accredited by Université Paris Cité (sponsoring institution), Université Paris Sciences et Lettres and Sorbonne Université.
It covers a broad range of scientific topics, from geoscience, the environment and planetology to the physics of the infinitely large and the infinitely small.
- School Directors: Fabien Casse (Director), Jérôme Fortin (Assistant Director, PSL), Julien Siebert (Assistant Director, UPC/IPGP), Alessandra Tonazzo (Assistant Director, UPC), Julien Bolmont (Assistant Director, SU)
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
The HOB Doctoral School is co-accredited by Université Paris Cité and Université Paris Sciences et Lettres. The training covers three broad disciplines:
- Hematology
- Oncogenesis
- Biotherapies and biotechnologies
- School Directors: Raphael ITZYKSON (Director), Michaëla FONTENAY (Assistant Director)
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
The BioSPC Doctoral School is co-accredited by two institutions: Université Paris Cité (UPC, lead institution) and Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL).
The school's scientific scope covers a wide range of fields that include most of the disciplines of biology: cellular and molecular biology, developmental biology, immunology, infectious diseases, genetics, neurobiology, physiology, physiopathology, reproduction and aging.
- School Directors: Chantal DESDOUETS (Co-Director), Caroline LE VAN KIM (Co-Director)
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Doctoral School 563 is led by Université Paris Cité and co-accredited by Université Paris Sciences et Lettres. It covers a broad, multidisciplinary field, from fundamental issues to clinical applications, with biomedical and therapeutic research as the unifying theme. The doctoral school's aim is to provide doctoral students with a rich and stimulating multidisciplinary environment where they can enhance their initial skills and gain a better understanding of issues at the crossroads of chemistry, biology and health.
- School Directors: Marie-Christine LALLEMAND (Director), Armelle BAEZA (Assistant Director), Marie-Agnès SARI (Coordination Director)
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
The Biosigne Doctoral School is co-accredited by Université Paris-Saclay (lead institution) and Université Paris Sciences et Lettres.
The doctoral school's teams explore the mechanisms behind signaling and communication in biology. In this, the scale of the objects under study range from molecules to organisms, and the themes from fundamental mechanisms to biomedical applications.
- School Directors: Oliver NÃœSSE (Director), Antoine DURRBACH (Assistant Director), Elisabeth TRAIFFORT (Assistant Director)
- Contact:
- Website:
ED 577 is a doctoral school in biology that approaches research in both its fundamental and applied aspects. It relies on a group of high-level research units renowned both nationally and internationally. It is affiliated with three universities: , , and . is co-accredited.
- School Directors: Florence GONNET (Director), Isabelle GUENAL (Assistant Director), Fabienne MALAGNAC (Assistant Director), Graça RAPOSO (Assistant Director), Jean-Christophe SANDOZ (Assistant Director)
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
The Hadamard Mathematics Doctoral School is co-accredited by Université Paris-Saclay and Université Paris Sciences et Lettres. It encompasses all doctoral training in mathematics at Université Paris-Saclay and Institut Polytechnique de Paris, from the most fundamental to the most applied mathematics, including mathematics where it interfaces with a variety of fields, including economics, computer science, mechanics, physics, engineering sciences and life sciences.
- School Director: Stéphane NONNENMACHER
- Contact:
- Website:
Graduate Programs:
Doctoral School 582 focuses on a single theme, covering all aspects of cancer research. It draws on the scientific and medical activities of 60 Doctoral Student Host Teams (EADs) on several sites (Gustave Roussy, CEA, Institut Curie et Orsay, AP-HP, ENS-PS, Weill Cornell Medical College, Institut Cochin, Luxembourg Institute of Health and Université Versailles St-Quentin) and focuses on four main areas:
- The fundamental aspects of oncology
- Genetics and epidemiology
- Pharmacology and new treatment approaches
- New methods of biological and clinical investigations (including imaging)
It is affiliated with Université Paris-Saclay and is co-accredited by Université Paris Sciences et Lettres. Its educational secretary's office is on the Gustave Roussy campus, and it is governed by a board of directors.
- School Directors: Eric DEUTSCH (Director), Ken Olaussen (Assistant Director)
- Contact: UPSaclay administration, education, PSL administration
- Website:

Elisabetta SIMONETTA: Director of doctoral College of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳
Rihab ANNA: Project Manager of Doctoral College of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳