Enterprise & Innovation PSL People
Since its creation in 2010, PSL has leveraged its diverse ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship. The university’s role is to create synergies aligned with two complementary goals: stimulating entrepreneurship, and supporting technology transfer opportunities for basic and applied research.
Entrepreneurs – whether researchers or students - find advice and support for their ventures in the dedicated structures that PSL provides. Through support from PSL technology transfer structures, researchers can select the most suitable approach for fully valorising their inventions and results.
The core mission of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Department is to help researchers and students create startups through an array of opportunities, including PSL’s innovation and entrepreneurship services, and/or other technology transfer services based within PSL. Transfer of the ESPCI Tech Transfer team to PSL Valorisation in 2016 marked a turning point in more fully integrating valorisation into PSL’s fabric.
Available to all PSL research teams, PSL-Valorisation is a technology transfer department working actively to enhance the culture of innovation within PSL member institutions, based on guiding principles of proximity, responsiveness, and risk sharing.
- By detecting and protecting intellectual property, supporting researchers throughout the full process.
- Through framework agreements with institutions allowing for transfer of intellectual property rights to PSL and the filing of patents by PSL on behalf of the relevant institutions.
- By funding and supporting projects through proof-of-concept, helping to validate their technical and economical feasibility.
- By supporting the creation of innovative companies.
The following list, which is not exhaustive, illustrates the diversity of PSL’s ecosystem: Valorisation departments and/or subsidiary technology transfer teams within research organizations (DIRE and SPV at CNRS, STPI at INRIA, DPRE at Inserm, FIST, Inserm Transfert); the recently created PC’Up incubator at ESPCI/Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Institute. Multiple industrial chairs, including at MINES Paris -PSL, ENS - PSL, École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL, Paris Dauphine - PSL, Institut Louis Bachelier and EHESS; partnerships between Institut Curie and the pharmaceutical industry; the Instituts/Tremplins Carnot (Carnot Curie Cancer, Carnot INRIA, Carnot M.I.N.E.S., Carnot Pasteur MS, Tremplin Carnot IPGG Microfluidics, Tremplin Carnot Cognition); and CIFRE PhD Fellowships, notably in humanities and social science (EPHE, EHESS).
Technology transfer services
- Collège de France: Mission Valorisation
- ENS:
- Institut Curie:
- MINES Paris-PSL:
- Observatoire de Paris:
- Paris-Dauphine:

In less than a year of collaboration, we’ve already applied jointly for several patents, and we’re working to create three different start-ups.

In less than a year of collaboration, we’ve already applied jointly for several patents, and we’re working to create three different start-ups.
Technology Transfer and Industrial Partnerships Office Director, Institut Curie The technology transfer experts at PSL-Valorisation are a major partner for us. It’s a service that lets us support innovative projects conducted with other institutions, all as part of an open, constructive dialogue. Their business model, with its focus on start-ups, complements our own expertise. In less than a year of collaboration, we’ve already applied jointly for several patents, and we’re working to create three different start-ups (to bring our joint technology to maturity). Thanks to that momentum we’ve been able to meet with CEOs from big international firms and host events on key topics like big data.