Student health service
Staying healthy and happy in body and mind is essential to the success of your university studies. A shared health service, offering preventive medical visits and medical consultations in person and by teleconsultation, is available to you within PSL. Completely free of charge or with no advance payment, it is open to students from all PSL establishments.
The student health service is open by appointment from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5:30pm. It comprises a preventive medicine center and a prevention and psychological counseling center.
- The preventive medicine center offers students the opportunity to have consultations right from the start of the academic year, to obtain certificates of fitness for sports at PSL (non-competitive), and to undergo visual and hearing tests. These preventive medicine appointments are an opportunity to take stock of the various aspects of your health. For students with disabilities, requests for study and examination accommodations will be studied and monitored throughout your studies.
- The PPGC (Prevention and Psychological Guidance Centre) enables students to talk to a professional counsellor about their difficulties, concerns and/or questions, in complete confidentiality. It is also a place to find psychological support and guidance, to report a worrying situation to a fellow student, administrator or teacher, and to seek outside help if necessary.
All topics are important and can be discussed.
Talks are strictly confidential and are offered on request in a range of languages for international students (English, Arabic, Spanish and Russian). For long-distance students (internships abroad, etc.), video appointments can be arranged.
A 24/7 teleconsultation service from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

In Paris, finding an available and accessible appointment can be complicated.
PSL University enables you to consult a doctor on video, without having to go to the doctor's surgery and without any advance payment, 7 days a week, from 7am to 11pm. Consultations are free of charge, and all you need is your carte vitale.
Once you have registered with your school, you will receive an email from Qare to your student email address to activate your account.
You will then need to enter your social security and health insurance numbers to finalize your registration and gain full access to the service.
You'll be able to make an appointment with the practitioner of your choice from over 40 specialties, including general practitioners, dermatologists, addictologists, nutritionists, cardiologists, gynecologists, sexologists, sports doctors, etc. There's no limit to the number of consultations you can book.
You can also choose to have your preventive medicine visit via this service in consultation with a general practitioner. In this case, you'll need to specify "preventive medicine visit" in your consultation request.
As with an office appointment, you choose the doctor and the time. At the end of your video consultation, you will receive a prescription if required.
Q&A on the Qare teleconsultation service
Log on to the Qare application or website with your login and password. Use the search bar to select practitioners and specialties, choose your slot and your appointment is booked.
To find out your login details: an e-mail activating your account has been sent to the address you gave when you registered with us (don't forget to check your spam folder). It gives you access to the Qare platform and application. If you don't receive it, don't hesitate to send an e-mail to . You can also try logging on to the site directly with your student e-mail address. If you're already registered with your school, the system should recognize you automatically.
All PSL students who have subscribed to the CVEC and who do not depend on their institution's occupational medicine service (ENC - PSL trainee civil servant) have access to Qare.
If you do not receive your activation e-mail, please send an e-mail to . You can also try logging on to the site directly with your student e-mail address. If you're already registered with your school, the system should recognize you automatically.
Yes, you can benefit from Qare regardless of your nationality, as long as you are registered with PSL and pay the CVEC.If you haven't already received your social security number, please contact the Welcome Desk for assistance.
Just go back to Qare and enter your school e-mail address, then click on "Reset my password", and follow the steps.
Your new password must meet the following criteria: A minimum of 6 characters, including at least one lower case, at least one upper case, one number and one special character.
Costs are reimbursed at 70% by the national health insurance and 30% by your complementary health insurance.You won't have to advance any fees on the Qare platform.
Please note, however, that when you select a practitioner, the "payment" tab appears. It is possible that the specialty of this specific practitioner is not included in the Qare x PSL partnership, or that your account is incorrectly configured.
If the payment screens appear, please contact to resolve the problem.
A social security number is required to access consultations.
We also strongly recommend that you take out a complementary health insurance policy.
Before activating your account :
Qare has no data about you other than your establishment e-mail address. You can ask to have this address removed by contacting .
After account activation:
All your data is stored with OVH, an approved Health Data Host, which guarantees the integrity and confidentiality of your data.
All Qare employees are bound by medical confidentiality. Your appointment bookings, the doctors you consult and your personal data on Qare are not accessible to your institution. Everything is confidential and secure.
After I leave PSL :
Your Qare account will still exist, but you will no longer have access to the free service. You can keep it and continue to use teleconsultation (in which case your data will be kept in the same way as before), or you can ask for your account and associated data to be deleted.

Other devices
Sexist and sexual violence, harassment, discrimination and hazing cannot be tolerated. Whether you are a victim, a witness, or looking for information on the subject, a listening and monitoring unit is at your disposal.
To help students in difficulty, a PSL association has launched Nightline Paris: a 100% confidential, non-judgmental and free website and phone line.
Run by student volunteers, in cooperation with the schools' psychological services, the service is available every evening of the school year from 9pm to 2.30am.
The Nightline Paris association has designed a website to help students take good care of their psychological well-being:
Informations pratiques
How to contact us :
- Nurse coordinator - Mme Legent :
+ 33 (0)7 76 08 63 28
Where is it :
- In the 6th district of Paris : Centre Mazet, 5 rue André Mazet
- In the 16th district of Paris : Dauphine - PSL , bureau BO33
How much does it cost?
Consultations are free for PSL students and project partner schools.
On-site presence:
- Dauphine - PSL, Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75016
General practitioner: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Psychologist: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday afternoons
- Centre Mazet, 5 rue André Mazet, 75006
General practitioner: Thursday
Psychologist: Monday morning, Thursday, Friday
Numéros d'urgence :
- 15: health problems
- 0800 130 000: unwellness
- 0806 000 278: social or financial difficulties.