Doctoral studies and Postdoctoral Fellowships
PSL is proud to offer its doctoral candidates and young researchers a broad array of opportunities for exploring the key challenges facing today’s society. From experimental, theoretical, and incremental research to research into entrepreneurship, the fields of application reach into all areas of science, the arts, engineering, and the humanities and social science.
E-resources, state-of-the-art equipment, libraries, and even in-house museums provide the material support necessary for advancing individual and collective projects. As such, PSL provides the space and technologies scholars need. This, along with the highly collaborative “let’s work together” principle that drives our 10 Labex, 6 IRIS, 70 libraries, and 200 ERCs, paves the way forward for your research goals.
PSL’s researchers
Sociology and economics of the family, ocean exploration, the fight against cancer, sociology of the creative professions... PSL’s researchers are working on the great challenges facing today’s society, making headway in areas such as intelligibility and developing techniques and treatments that are changing our understanding of the world, while working to develop the means for discovery, knowledge, creation and action.

Professor of sociology, Dauphine - PSL
An alumna from Ecole normale supérieure - PSL, éԱ è is a Professor of sociology at Dauphine - PSL, a member of the IRISSO lab and associate professor in the ETT team at the Centre Maurice Halbwachs. In 2016-2017, she was a member of the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. She studies the material, economic and legal dimensions of family, in particular through the analysis of inheritance and marital breakdown. She authored several books, including The Gender of Capital. The Family: an Inequality Machine (2020) and Au tribunal des couples (2010). Her research work is at the crossroads of several fields: sociology of law and justice, sociology of gender and family, and economic sociology.

Emeritus Research Director, CNRS
Eric Karsenti contributed to the understanding of molecular mechanisms. He has also demonstrated how the mitotic spindle assembly process works. Finally, he applied these principles, established at the cellular level, to the mechanisms of morphogenesis in the embryo, in particular within the department of cell biology and biophysics that he created at EMBL.
He was the organizer of the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) and research program, whose work made it possible to characterize viruses, bacteria, protists and zooplankton in about 70% of the oceans. 90% of the viruses and eukaryotes as well as 50% of the bacteria were unknown, and more than 50% of the genetic discovered are new.

Directrice du Centre de recherche de l’Institut Curie
ұԱ𱹾è Almouzni dirige le Centre de recherche de l’Institut Curie depuis 2013. Avec plus de 200 publications et 4 brevets, ұԱ𱹾è Almouzni est reconnue internationalement pour ses recherches sur le génome dans le contexte de pathologie comme le cancer. Investie au niveau européen, elle est membre de l'EMBO. Membre de l'Académie des Sciences depuis 2013, elle intervient comme membre expert dans des comités d'experts de stature internationale. Elle a été distinguée de l’insigne d’Officier de l’Ordre National du Mérite et chevalier de la légion d'honneur en février 2017. Elle est récipiendaire de nombreuses distinctions et prix tels que la médaille d’argent du CNRS en 2000, le Prix « Cino et Simone del Duca » en 2006, les prix FEBS/EMBO Women in Science Award et AAAS Award en 2013, le Prix Spécial de la FRM en 2014 et a bénéficié pour ses recherches de deux ERC Advanced Grant.

Professor at Collège de France
Pierre-Michel Menger studied philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure, then earned a doctorate in sociology at the EHESS. He's been a director of research at the CNRS, then a Professor at the Collège de France since 2013, where he holds the chair of Sociology of Creative Work. He is also director of studies at EHESS. His research interests include the creative process, work and organizations in the arts, the recomposition of the wage economy, and organizations and careers in higher education and scientific research.