PSL Calls for Proposals
PSL lends support to top-level, multi-disciplinary research of major international interest, focusing on critical topics of key concern to society.
Current Calls for proposals

Appel à projets Chaire Beauté.s : Beautés vitales
Deadline : April 30th, 2024

Appel à projets : "Visiting Fellows" 2024
Date limite de candidature : 21 Mai 2024

Appel à projets : Thèses binômées 2024
Date limite de candidature : 31 Mai 2024

Appel à projet : Junior Research Chairs et « AI for societal impact »
Date limite de candidature : 28 juin 2024
Latest European & international calls for projects
National calls for proposals and financial resources in France
Various programs are available at the national level to fund research initiatives:
- ¹ó°ù²¹²Ô³¦±ð’s (the French National Research Agency) provides funding for select research projects based on international criteria of excellence, and issues calls for proposals that are directly tied to national research priorities, spanning every major field of research and innovation. As a reminder, the ANR’s primary objectives are to promote the emergence of new concepts, expand research initiatives in areas of priority economic or social concern, strengthen collaboration between public and private researchers (through partnered calls for proposals) and develop international partnerships (through multinational calls for proposals).
- ¹ó°ù²¹²Ô³¦±ð’s Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research publishes calls for proposals and applications on a regular basis: .
Two websites offer a list of specialized calls for proposals in the areas of health and the humanities and social sciences:
- The website for calls for proposals in health research includes all public-sector calls for proposals in the fields of translational research, clinical research and public health: (in French).
- The website offers a comprehensive list of calls for proposals in the humanities and social sciences.
Calls for proposals in Greater Paris
- The Greater Paris region offers the (in French), which provides support for ambitious research programs. SESAME also encourages closer links between university and private-sector researchers, notably by opening up platforms to businesses in the Greater Paris region and SMEs in particular, and assists with funding for capital investments. You’ll also find , such as DIM programs targeting areas of major concern, etc.
- Paris’s municipal government, the Mairie de Paris, administers three grant programs to Paris-based researchers: the Emergences program, which encourages researchers to create new research teams focusing on multidisciplinary topics; a call for proposals for the dissemination of scientific culture; and the CIFRE scholarships from the Mairie de Paris. You can find a calendar of upcoming calls for proposals and procedures for submitting a proposal at (in French).