PhD track in Astrophysics
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- PhD track in Astrophysics
The PSL PhD track in Astrophysics is a fully-funded 5-year program structured around two phases. During the first phase, students draw on courses from PSL’s research master in Astrophysics and Space Engineering and start working towards their research project.
The research master is a stepping stone toward the second phase of the PhD track, during which students work on their research project in one of PSL’s Astrophysics labs. During both phases, students are mentored to gain state-of-the-arts research methods, write academic papers, present at academic conferences and prepare for the academic job market.

Phase 1 | Research Master in Space Science and Technology
PhD track students will choose different majors to complete their research master in Space science and technology:
- Instrumental Astrophysics
- Observational Astrophysics
- Numerical Astrophysics
- Theoretical astrophysics
- Digital engineering
- Instrumental engineering
Students will simultaneously explore advanced topics in astrophysics or space engineering in an up-to-date, methodological and transdisciplinary manner. They will gain expertise through research-oriented classes, and multiple research projects and internship opportunities. The equilibrium between methodological and academic topics ensures the best preparation for PhD and the future activity.
Phase 2 | Doctoral studies
During their doctoral years, students will benefit from the following programs:
- PSL interdisciplinary courses: PSL is a strongly interdisciplinary University with special courses that cut across our disciplinary graduate programs and are open to all graduate students;
- Astrophysical courses
- Professional courses
- Summer Schools
- Doctoral Classes for high-level postdoctoral positions
Resources for prospective students
Next call for applications:
October 17 to December 12, 2024
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