PhD track in Physics
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- PhD track in Physics
The PSL PhD track in Physics is a fully-funded 5-year program* structured around two phases. During the first phase, students follow courses from PSL’s research master ICFP or Quantum Engineering and start working towards their research project. The research master is a stepping-stone towards the second phase of the PhD track, during which students work on their research project in one of PSL’s Physics lab.

**Exception: The PhD track in Quantum Engineering offers a limited number of master's scholarships to the most deserving students among those admitted to the program. Further information.
PHASE 1 | Research Master in Physics or Quantum Engineering
PhD track students will choose between two curricula to complete their research master:
- (Physics)
- Quantum Engineering master's program.
Phase 2 | Doctoral studies
During their doctoral years, students will benefit from the following programs:
- PSL interdisciplinary courses: PSL is a strongly interdisciplinary university with special courses that cut across our disciplinary graduate programs and are open to all graduate students;
- PSL innovation and entrepreneurship program for those who are interested in tech transfer from academic labs to economic world
- PSL PhD training
Chat with our PhD track student
Resources for prospective students
Next call for applications
- October 17 to December 12, 2024
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