2021-2022 academic year: welcome to your university!
Dear students,
The prospect of seeing you back in our lecture halls, classrooms, seminars, club facilities and hallways is particularly poignant this year.
Whether you are joining PSL for the first time, perhaps from very far away, or you are a returning PSL student, I want to welcome each of you to your university.
During your years at PSL, you will develop your interests, discover new talents, and above all, learn how to take a scientific approach. This collection of knowledge and expertise will, I hope, form the future citizens you become: people who are responsible, involved, and capable of handling complex problems.
This fall, on the initiative of the student body, all of PSL’s schools will join forces under a common banner, “PSL Anthropocene,” hosting a series of events that will kick off the year’s classes, events, and initiatives in support of sustainable development at PSL.
Several months ago, we stepped up our efforts related to sustainable development following a consultation organized via the REFEDD survey to determine where PSL students stand on a number of environmental issues. The results were clear: together, we need to do better, more, and more quickly to understand and take action against global warming. The communities of PSL’s schools share this desire and ambition.
PSL Anthropocene offers you the opportunity to attend a series of events. These include the opening keynote by Jean Jouzel, who was the first to formally establish the link between CO2 and global warming, with PSL President Alain Fuchs in attendance, as well as lectures by Alessandra Giannini, geoscientist at ENS - PSL, on climate change in the Sahel region and by Gilles Bœuf, special guest of Mines Paris - PSL, on biodiversity. Observatoire de Paris - PSL will invite us to experience a change of scale, through Thierry Fouchet’s presentation no what makes the planet Earth unique. Finally, EPHE - PSL will highlight the value of interdisciplinary dialog in addressing the full complexity of these questions with paleoclimatologist Maria Sanchez Goni and historian Muriel Debié.
In addition, the agenda for PSL Anthropocene will feature theatrical performances at CNSAD - PSL and workshops, such as a large-scale cleanup campaign organized by ESPCI Paris - PSL and the Fresque du Climat, organized by and for students in the CPES and Sustainability Sciences programs. The AGIR seminar hosted by Dauphine - PSL will offer another opportunity to consider how we can best apply what we know now about the causes of global warming to the very ways our university operates.
Throughout the year, you will be invited to take courses given by the schools on these topics, and many of you will be able to participate in the PSL Weeks (weeks of November 22, 2021 and March 7, 2022), which will have a strong emphasis on sustainable development goals this year.
Making a positive impact on the world also requires a constant effort to foster openness and inclusiveness, which includes providing access to an environment that supports everyone’s health and wellness as well as reducing economic and social inequalities. These global priorities promoted by the United Nations are also the key to a living, innovate practice of research that is open to civil society. That is why we will continue working to ensure that our programs are open to talent of all kinds and to form enlightened citizens who can build a society that is sustainable in every aspect.
I wish you all an excellent start to the academic year.
Coralie Chevallier, Vice President for Education at PSL
Key services, information and student organizations
Feel free to bookmark the student services on your browser right now!
Stay connected on campus with the Eduroam network
Use the Eduroam network to connect wherever you are on the PSL campus. This network can also be used in other universities in France and abroad. Your connection identifiers are sent to you by email when you register. In case of problems or if you do not receive them, please contact the IT department of your host school.
A discount for the purchase of refurbished hightech equipment
L'̳ set up a partnership with the company Ecodair which refurbishes computer equipment. All PSL students and staff members get a 10% discount thanks to promo codes: PSLE1 for students with a domain name in - PSLE2 for other PSL students - PSLPRO for staff and researchers.
Covid - 19
Les centres de vaccination à proximité du campus
- (ENS - PSL, ESPCI Paris - PSL, ENSCP - PSL, Collège de France)
- (Dauphine - PSL)
- (ENC - PSL)
- (EPHE - PSL, Observatoire de Paris - PSL)
- (Mines Paris - PSL)
Pour trouver un centre de vaccination près de chez vous :
Key information about 2021-2022 academic year