Become a patron

How to donate?

By check:

Please send your to:

Université Paris Sciences et Lettres
Direction du Mécénat
60 rue Mazarine
75006 Paris

Payable to: Fondation PSL

By bank transfer:

Please contact the Sponsorship team of the Foundation (see below)

By a wireless donation

Click on

Tax credit*

For any sponsorship action to the PSL Foundation, you benefit from a:

  • Credit on income tax (IR) equal to 66% of the amount of your donation, up to an annual limit of 20% of taxable income. If this limit is exceeded, the credit can be carried over to the next five years (law of August 1, 2003).
  • Credit on the tax on real estate wealth (IFI) equal to 75% of the amount of your donation, within the annual limit of €50,000. If this limit is exceeded, the reduction cannot be carried over to the following years.

* according to regulations in force.

The community of patrons

By supporting PSL, you join a community of patrons united by the same desire to build a world-class university. You will also be granted a recognition program and benefits tailored to the amount you donated.

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