Covid-19 FAQ for International Students and Researchers

Many of you have questions about the current health situation. The PSL Welcome Desk has compiled the main answers to the questions you have asked. This page will be updated regularly.

NB: The information presented is indicative and is not contractually binding on PSL University. PSL University is not responsible for any decisions that may be made on the basis of this information. The information may be modified as the situation evolves. Do not hesitate to contact us at the following address:

Last updated: September 21, 2022


  1. What are the covid-19 related requirements for entering France?

As of August 1, 2022, the rules previously applied to travelers to France no longer apply. Nonetheless, it is crucial that you consult the before you travel.

  1. What are the requirements for leaving France?

There are no covid-19 related requirements to leave France; however, we strongly suggest you confirm the entry requirements for the country to which you are travelling. You can check with your airline and the country’s Embassy website for testing, quarantine, and/or passenger tracing requirements.

  1. I do not have a ‘carte vitale’ or provisional French social security number (‘attestation de droit provisoire à la securité sociale’). Can I get vaccinated in France?

    Yes. According to , you have the right to get vaccinated in a vaccination center without a ‘carte vitale’ or provisional French social security number. Find a vaccination center .
  2. I would like to get a booster shot. How do I know if I am eligible?

    You can use this to determine if you are eligible for the booster shot.
  3. How do I make an appointment to get vaccinated?

    You can make an appointment via a service such as or by calling this number: 0800 009 110. Depending on your personal health circumstances, it could be possible to schedule an appointment via your primary care physician (‘médecin traitant’).
  4. Does PSL offer covid-19 vaccinations at any of its campuses?

    No. There are many other places to get vaccinated, which you can find .
  1. Does PSL offer covid-19 tests at any of its campuses?

    We are not aware of covid-19 testing available to all PSL students and researchers. If you are affiliated with Dauphine-PSL, it may be possible for you to request a self-test. For more information about this initiative for Dauphine-PSL affiliates, please contact student healthcare services.
  2. I’m required to have a negative covid-19 test for travel. How do I get a test?

    You can get tested at a pharmacy or testing facility, depending on the type of test required. Here is an and an provided by the French government. If you have a ‘carte vitale,’ the test should be free. If you are European and have the equivalent of a ‘carte européenne d’assurance maladie,’ then you may inquire with your home country’s insurance system about the possibility of reimbursement. Information about paying for tests .
  3. I am vaccinated but do not have a ‘carte vitale’ or provisional French social security number. Do I have to pay for a test if I’ve been in contact with someone who is infected?

    Yes. However, if you have a ‘carte européenne d’assurance maladie,’ then you may inquire with your home country’s insurance system about the possibility of reimbursement.
  1. Where is the ‘pass sanitaire’ required?

As of August 1, 2022, the ‘ is no longer required.

  1. Is a ‘pass' required for travel abroad?

More information about travel can be found . Within Europe, requirements are different depending on the country. We strongly suggest confirming requirements of your destination country using the portal.

  1. Where is it required to wear a mask?

As of August 1, 2022, wearing a mask is no longer required. However, heads of healthcare facilities can impose masks inside their buildings. More information .

  1. What happens if I test positive for covid-19?

If you are affiliated with the CPAM (i.e. you have a provisional or definitive French social security number), you may be contacted by ameli with information about .


Contact your primary care physician (‘médecin traitant’) for further instructions. If you are employed, they can provide an for your employer. Please also contact the covid reference person (‘référent covid’) of your PSL school.


  1. What happens if I was in contact with someone who has tested positive for covid-19?

If you were in contact with an infected person, you may be contacted by ameli for . The isolation and test instructions are the same no matter your vaccination status.

Contact the Welcome Desk :

  • By email :
  • To make an appointment:
  • Our number: +33 1 75 00 02 91
  • Emergency number: +33 7 50 15 92 93 (WhatsApp)