École nationale supérieure d'architecture Paris-Malaquais - PSL
Created by decree in January 2001, the École nationale supérieure d'architecture Paris-Malaquais - PSL is both a young school and the heir to a long tradition on the historic site of architectural education that it shares with the Beaux-Arts de Paris opposite the Louvre Museum. It is part of the network of 20 schools of architecture under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture.
Since its creation, its aim has been to provide students with the knowledge and tools they need to take an active role in the world. It aims to prepare them to become professionals who question the way things are, to help redefine the conditions under which architecture is produced, debated and represented: architecture that is socially aware, intellectually active and economically viable.
As an open, international school, it is characterised by a diversified teaching programme designed for almost a thousand students every year. The curriculum covers the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate cycles, and includes training for the Habilitation à la Maîtrise d'Œuvre en son Nom Propre (HMONP).
The school also has a strong research policy in architecture, supported by its three laboratories.
Its openness is reflected in numerous exchanges with other schools of architecture and universities, both regionally and nationally and internationally, with over 50 agreements signed with Europe, Asia and North and South America.
Its location in the heart of Paris offers a wealth of opportunities for educational, scientific and cultural partnerships (the Louvre Museum, the Monnaie de Paris, the Comédie Française, etc.). The school is also developing an active policy of disseminating architectural culture through exhibitions, conferences, national and international symposia, debates and publications.
In 2020, it became a partner of PSL University (Paris Sciences & Lettres), with the aim of strengthening and expanding its training, research and development activities.