Art History and Archaeology

The Master’s degree in Art History and Archeology from ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳, administered by EPHE–PSL, offers leading-edge training focused on research and documents, all in the heart of Paris. The wealth of lectures held at EPHE–PSL provides an assurance of quality teaching.
The curriculum, featuring seminars in art history and archeology that in most cases are given at the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (), capitalizes on the program’s proximity to specialized libraries (notably the INHA library) and France’s heritage collections (such as the Musée du Louvre and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France). The onsite libraries make it easier for students to prepare textual commentaries and master bibliographical resources. Individual tutoring allows students to make optimal use of the resources available. This Master’s program, designed to train specialists in art history and archeology through an emphasis on learning research by doing research, operates in partnership with research centers that are overseen solely or jointly by EPHE–PSL and that play an active role in the field.
This Master’s degree program is part of the .
Learning outcomes
The first year of this Master’s program offers comprehensive training in art history and archeology that is designed to help students master basic methodology across a broad chronological and thematic range and guide them gradually toward specialized study. The program also places an emphasis on oral skills through public presentations in the form of a major oral examination at the end of both the first semester (topical bibliography) and the second semester (commentary on a document), including short written reports. The second year is focused on preparing the research thesis, which is defended before a jury at the end of the year. The work in research libraries serves as preparation for that written work. The internship, which is arranged as opportunities arise during academic activities, is equivalent to one credit unit. Each student receives personalized guidance from the research director from the time they enroll.
Academic tracks
Master’s Year 1 (M1)
Two academic tracks are available:
- Art History and Archeology.
- Archeology and Art History (international track).
Master’s Year 2 (M2)
For Year 2 of the Master’s program, when students choose their concentration, there are four tracks:
- M2 Art History.
- M2 Archeology.
- M2 Archeology and Art History, with one or two semesters at the University of Basilicata in Matera, Italy.
- M2 Art, Museology and Curatorial Activities (international track; dual degree with the University of Bologna).
Refer to the specific tab to find out more about the M1 and M2 programs.
Who should apply?
Students who hold a Bachelor's degree in art history and archeology, history, literature, philosophy, humanities, anthropology, social science or political science, or who have obtained 180 ECTS credits from a Bachelor’s-level program or the equivalent. Students from the École du Louvre are especially encouraged to apply.
- Doctorate in art history or archeology.
- Careers and competitive exams in the heritage sector.
The program draws primarily on research teams:
- HISTARA orientation team (EPHE–PSL)
- SAPRAT orientation team (EPHE–PSL)
- AOROC joint research unit (ENS–PSL, EPHE–PSL, CNRS)
Teaching location
Most of the courses will be taught in the heart of Paris at the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA, 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris).
Other courses are taught at the Sorbonne (45 rue des Ecoles, 75005 Paris) and the École Normale Supérieure–PSL (45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris).
Students enrolled in the international track will spend a portion of their Master’s Year 2 at the University of Basilicata in Matera, Italy, taking advantage of PSL’s various international agreements and partner schools.
- An emphasis on research-based training, with a time investment compatible with intensive work in the library and on documents.
- Immersion in EPHE–PSL conferences with direct access to documentation.
- A strong methodological framework in which students are brought up to the same level in art history and archeology during Year 1.
- An international study environment that includes students from outside France, particularly in the international track, with its focus on southern Italy in archeology and art history, and especially in the AMAC track (Arts, Museology, Curatorial Activities) slated to launch in the 2021-2022 academic year.
- Training that is recognized for the quality of the internships performed in museums and at archaeological sites.
- A convenient base for doing work in central Paris: thanks to the INHA’s location, students can make the most of opportunities for networking and symposia.
- An unequaled campus life in the very heart of Paris, benefiting from the opportunities available at ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ to meet students from several institutions and move among a variety of campuses.
En Master 1, 2 parcours sont proposés :
•&²Ô²ú²õ±è; M1 Histoire de l’art et archéologie
Ce parcours comprend le séminaire du directeur de recherche, deux présentations des mini-mémoires sous forme d’un grand oral en fin de semestre et un cours de méthodologie ainsi que des cours d’ouverture à d’autres disciplines ou des cours de langues anciennes et un cours de langue, tout en maintenant une forte souplesse d’orientation. Les enseignements en histoire de l’art et archéologie sont dispensés à l’.
•&²Ô²ú²õ±è; M1 Archéologie et histoire de l’art (parcours international)
Voir ci-dessous (Parcours international franco-italien).
Le Master 2, dédié à la spécialisation, propose les 4 parcours suivants :
•&²Ô²ú²õ±è; M2 Histoire de l’art
Ce parcours comprend le séminaire du directeur de recherche, ainsi que des séminaires d’ouverture. Centré sur la rédaction du mémoire final, il a pour objectif l’acquisition des méthodes et outils nécessaires au travail de recherche en histoire de l’art.
•&²Ô²ú²õ±è; M2 Archéologie
Les enseignements portent sur l’archéologie des mondes anciens de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée, depuis la Protohistoire jusqu’à l’archéologie islamique. En dehors des séminaires de recherche, les étudiants suivent une formation pratique par le biais de stages de prospection, de fouille et d’étude dans une série de chantiers dédiés ainsi que dans des institutions patrimoniales.
•&²Ô²ú²õ±è; M2 Archéologie et histoire de l'art - parcours international franco-italien avec l'
Pour les étudiants qui souhaitent bénéficier du parcours international, une procédure spécifique d’inscription administrative est prévue.
En Master 1, les étudiants du parcours international M1 Archéologie et Histoire de l’Art inscrits en France à l’EPHE–PSL suivent les mêmes enseignements que pour le parcours national. Ils doivent impérativement choisir le cours de langue vivante en italien.
En Master 2, ils se spécialisent dans les domaines de l’archéologie et de l’histoire de l’art de l’Italie et éventuellement de l’archéologie de la Méditerranée occidentale et centrale. Ils effectuent au moins un semestre à l’Université de la Basilicate où ils suivent les enseignements les plus adaptés à la spécialité choisie et où ils commencent la préparation de leur mémoire. Les étudiants en archéologie participent aux chantiers archéologiques proposés par l’Université de la Basilicate et l’EPHE–PSL en Italie du Sud.
•&²Ô²ú²õ±è; M2 Arts, Muséologie, Activités Curatoriales (AMAC) - parcours international franco-italien avec l'
Le parcours Arts, Muséologie, Activités Curatoriales (AMAC) permet une spécialisation dans les domaines de la muséologie et des pratiques muséales. L’étudiant est formé pendant le premier semestre du M2 à l’Université de Bologne.
Prerequisites to apply for Master’s Year 1 (M1)
- Students must hold a Bachelor's degree or the equivalent in art history and archeology, history, literature, philosophy, humanities, anthropology, social science or political science (or must have obtained 180 ECTS credits from a Bachelor’s-level program or the equivalent).
- Certificate of proficiency in French for degrees obtained outside France.
Selection process
Online application (M1 and M2) from February 25 to March 24, 2025.
MASTER 1: depending on your profile (nationality, etc.), applications must be submitted on the new French platform "" OR on the . Please consult e to learn about the modalities and according to your profile.
MASTER 2: on the for all applicants, French and international.
Application package
- Cover letter
- ¸éé²õ³Ü³¾Ã©
- Copies of degrees earned (Bachelor’s, etc.). Diplomas in languages other than French or English must be translated into French.
- Copies of academic transcripts (baccalaureate, Bachelor’s degree, etc.). Transcripts in languages other than French or English must be translated into French.
- Research project
- List of Bachelor’s level coursework or official program of courses taken abroad.
- Approval of the future academic tutor
- Letter of reference (optional)
- Non-French-speaking applicants must have at least a B2 level of proficiency on the DALF/DELF. Students who are unable to provide official proof of their French language proficiency may be assessed during an interview and will be required to take a placement test before courses begin.
Tuition fees 2024/2025
- Tuition fees : €250 /year (set by ministerial decree)
- Student Life and Campus Fee (CVEC) : €103 /year -
For the international track, university tuition is indicated at the .
School for registration: EPHE - PSL
Degree issued: National Master's degree issued by ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳

Head of the Master's program: François Queyrel (
Further information
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