PSL voices | Student solidarity at PSL, from beneficiary to volunteer
When you arrive in a new city, far from your family, eating at an affordable price is a challenge. Epicoop, one of PSL’s numerous organizations, addresses this issue by helping the neediest students. Victoria tells us about her involvement with this organization.
My experience as a solidarity student
Involvement in an organization
Hi! My name is Victoria and I’m a student on the CPES Multidisciplinary Undergraduate degree course at PSL University. As a PSL student, I got an email from the Epicoop organization inviting all students to come pick up a free hamper of groceries, so I went along.
I was so delighted to receive this aid that I wanted to get involved on the other side, as a volunteer for the organization. After looking up at PSL via the Union PSL (PSL’s student office) directory, I decided to become an active member of Epicoop, because it was the group I could identify best with.
What is Epicoop?
is an organization which distributes free products (food and toiletries) to students in need. Since the onset the COVID-19, one student in two does not have enough to eat. Aware of these difficulties linked to the health and economic crisis which is having an ever-growing impact on students, Epicoop has been coming to their aid since the start of the 2020 academic year. I decided to join this organization because, as a student, I myself am in a precarious situation and I like being able to act for a cause I can identify with. We distribute a total of 2000 hampers per year, which amounts to 10 tons of products!

What does Epicoop do exactly?
Active members and volunteers help 250 PSL students every month, thanks to grocery collections in supermarkets (Carrefour, Auchan, etc.) on each Saturday preceding a distribution. These collections are my favorite task, because they’re a way to meet shoppers, chat with them and, above all, witness their generosity! It’s a highly-enriching experience which brings me a great sense of fulfillment.
On Mondays, we meet in PSL’s student life center and prepare the hampers. We sort the groceries into various categories (canned food, pasta, snacks and toiletries), then prepare 250 hampers, including some vegetarian options. Distribution most often takes place on Tuesday, every month, at the PSL student life center at 5 Rue André Mazet. What I also like at Epicoop are the events organized for its active members and volunteers, such as outings to restaurants, bowling alleys or karaoke bars.
How do I join Epicoop?
Epicoop is a non-profit organization domiciled at PSL, open to French and international students of all levels, and recruits active members and volunteers.
So don’t hesitate to join us via and stay informed of our upcoming events !

Learn more about Epicoop and PSL organizations
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Victoria, CPES Multidisciplinary Undergraduate degree
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