Health & Wellness

Etudiante en cours de zumba

Student health insurance

The health system in France is available to international students. To benefit from French social security and have your health expenses reimbursed, certain steps must be taken. They vary according to your situation and your nationality.

International students (from outside the EEA and Quebec) and residents of overseas collectivities (New Caledonia, French Polynesia or Wallis and Futuna)

Once you have arrived on French soil and registered with PSL, register on the website
A few weeks later you will get a provisional social security number which will allow you to be reimbursed for your medical expenses. You will be assigned a definitive social security number later in the year. Social security registration is free and compulsory.
Please attach the following documents:

  • ID papers (national ID card, passport...).
  • A document certifying you enrolled in a higher education institution for the academic year.
  • Your French bank details, which will allow you to receive repayments.
  • A civil status document required to create your registration ID number. The valid civil status documents are: a full copy of the birth certificate, a birth certificate with filiation (or any document issued by a consulate), a family booklet, a marriage certificate.
  • A valid residence permit (only for international students).

Special cases

Students from the EEA/Switzerland

Before you arrive in France, ask for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from your health insurance policy, valid for the current academic year. It certifies that you benefit from health insurance in your country and that you are exempted from subscribing the French Social Security scheme on condition that you provide the paper when you enroll. You do not need to register on the website:

If you do not have a European Health Insurance Card, ask for the S1 Form from health insurance policy in your home country. Afterwards, you have to register on:

Students from Quebec

Before you leave, take the SE 401-Q-102 bis form (or SE 401-Q-106 if you are participating in an exchange program between universities) valid during the current academic year, which certifies your subscription to Quebec health insurance policy. When you register on the website , you have to provide one of these forms. You do not have to provide a residence permit.

If you are not eligible for the student social security policy, you can benefit from the Universal Health Insurance (PUMA). Subscription to PUMA is made with the health insurance policy of your home country.



  • Website of the public health insurance (CPAM) :
  • Phone: 36 46 (Monday-Friday between 8:30 and 17:30)
  • From abroad: +33 (or 00 33) 811 70 36 46 (charges depending on each operator). A phone service in English is available on 0811 36 36 46, Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. (6 cts d’€/min)

Finding healthcare professionals in Paris

Student preventive health and medical care facilities propose a full range of medical services (general medicine, gynecology, dental care, dermatology, psychological support, addiction services, nutrition, etc.) at lowered cost through direct settlement.

You can easily locate the physician you need at the following:

  • Open to all students, who can choose in the center their referring doctor: consultation with general practitioners (routine consultations and care, certificates of fitness for sport or internships abroad, updated vaccinations, etc.) and specialists (gynecologists, psychologists/psychiatrists, dentists, tobacco addiction, nutritionists and hearing experts). Foreign students (including students from outside the European Union) have access to all healthcare services (spoken languages: English, German, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, etc.).
  • To make an appointment or to get further information:
  • 45, rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris - Phone: 01 42 86 21 29
  • : Care center designed for students (third-party payer/secteur 1 costs, extended opening hours and open on Saturdays). You will find general practitioners, a gynecologist (and a family planning center), a dermatologist, a psychiatrist, an addictology/nutrition consultation... in addition to the consultations and a planning center.
  • 4 rue des Quatrefages, 75005 Paris - Phone: 01 85 56 00 00
  • : These centers are open to all and offer consultations with general practitioners and specialists without excess fees by applying the third-party payer. Info:
  • 6
  • The
  • The - Tél : 01 45 65 81 09
  • are also available to you. Several public services offer students social welfare and psychological support.

To find a physician located nearby your home or school, search . Health centers are also directly located at some PSL schools.

Contacts in case of an emergency:

You can also find information about on-duty health services (drugstores, care centers) in each area here:

Need someone to talk to? To practice self-care?

University life can prove intense. Whether you are simply going through a down period, or are suffering from something more serious, several services are at your disposal in addition to those provided by your school.

  • National phone number for 0 806 000 278
  • Fil Santé Jeunes (Health for young people) 0 800 235 236 (free from a landline phone) ou 01 44 93 30 74
  • Nightline (Listening and chat service by and for students): / 01 88 32 12 32
  • Free on-duty listening service APASO (Prévention Accueil Soutien et Orientation) : 01 40 47 55 47 /
  • Violences Femmes (violence on women): 39 19 /
  • Institut de santé génésique concernant les violences faites aux femmes (violence on women): 01 39 10 85 35 /
  • Student help

If you are suffering from stress, fatigue or insomnia, think about more exercise! The beneficial health effects of exercise and relaxation have been well known since Antiquity. Find your happy place among the 40 activities proposed by

PSL Nightline Paris is available to you

To support students experiencing difficulty, a PSL association created Nightline Paris, a 100% confidential website and helpline that provide guaranteed free and nonjudgmental support. Staffed by student volunteers in cooperation with PSL institution mental health services, the helpline is available every night during the academic year, from 9pm to 2:30am.