Other housing options
Several options are available to students who are looking for a short-term or long-term accommodation without the help of the PSL Housing Service.
Free sector residences
Our partners offer a range of furnished accommodation with the “all-inclusive” advantage as well as quality services – sports or cinema rooms, study spaces, even breakfasts… They also open the right to ALS (Aid for housing).
The landlords listed below mostly comply with the Alur law, intended in part to regulate abusive practices and promote access to housing.
Logifac: https://www.logifac.fr/
Offers a wide choice in terms of price and locations.
Twenty Campus: https://www.twenty-campus.com/fr/
Residences with services for students. Twenty Campus offers furnished accommodation rental.
Wellow House: https://www.wellowhouse.com
The Wellow House platform offers shared rentals in large luxury apartments in inner Paris.
Do you want to stay in Paris, but you don't necessarily want to live in a university residence? Here is a list of accommodation options, which are not in direct partnership with PSL, but may possibly meet your needs!
Are you looking for all-comfort, a studio, a shared rental?
The residences below, although not in direct partnership with PSL, offer accommodation for young people and students in Île-de-France, do not hesitate to contact them directly.
Private residences
Most private residences offer a range of furnished accommodation with the advantage of “all-inclusive” as well as quality services – sports or cinema rooms, study spaces, even breakfasts… They also open the right to ALS (Helping aid).
The landlords listed below mostly comply with the Alur law, intended in part to regulate abusive practices and promote access to housing.
Kley: https://www.kley.fr/
Several residences in the Paris region, well connected to the center of Paris by public transport.
Estudines: https://www.estudines.com/
The apartments are furnished and equipped in a friendly, secure environment conducive to study.
Studelites: https://www.studelites.com/fr
“Ready to live in” housing, with services that make daily life easier.
Independent accommodation: from the studio
Managed by the Crous, the LOKAVIZ portal allows you to consult advertisements from private owners (individuals or residences) whose accommodation has been labeled by the Cnous and the Crous according to criteria of location, general condition, amount of rent and landlord/tenant relationship. .
• You can also consult the pages of Immojeune - private rental platform, as well as Adele: research site dedicated to student housing
Shared accommodation
You can find a shared accommodation via the following options:
• The kaps project (Kolocation à Projets Solidaires) offers student shared accommodation in a working-class neighborhood, linked to a social project carried out with and for its inhabitants.
• CoopColoc: innovative student shared accommodation system in Paris whose accommodation offered comes from social housing.
• Ma Piaule
• Student rental
Other accommodation options
For short stays
• Le Crous offers students doing internships in Paris overnight stays offered on its Bed & Crous website.
Other solutions exist, such as Hife residences: - https://hife-coliving.fr/
Useful resources
• Adele: research site dedicated to student housing
• The Solidarity Bet
• Student accommodation
• CLLAJ The Local Committee for Independent Housing for Young People in Paris – can also welcome you and support you in your housing project: research, access and rights.
Service Accueil Logement
Direction de la Vie Etudiante et de Campus
05 rue Mazet - 75006 Paris
Reçoit sur RDV les vendredis de 9h à 16h30.