
2018 Fall Season at PSL: Conferences and Cultural Events


More than 20 conferences, forums, tours and concerts, all specially designed to help students discover the wealth of offerings available on campus.

Cycle de conférences et de manifestations culturelles de l'Université PSl rentrée 2018

For the 2018 fall session, PSL invites you to discover the wide array of opportunities available on campus, including a series of conferences and cultural happenings. More than 20 scientific, artistic and athletic events have been selected from the various institutions on campus.
Follow  on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to keep track of events taking place during the 2018 fall session at PSL.



  • at ESPGG’s Langevin Amphitheater, Pierre-Gilles-de-Gennes Science Center; September 10, 6:30 pm.
  • . Observatoire de Paris; September 13, 6:30 pm.
  • Robotics Engineer: A Career of the Future. ENS, September 17.
  • , with Pierre-Alain Raphan, member of the French National Assembly. Université Paris-Dauphine; September 17, 7:00 pm.
  • The Contemporary Near East and Middle East Since the Arab Uprisings, with Gilles Kepel. ENS; September 24, 6:00 pm.
  • with Anne-Marie Lagrange, presented by Observatoire de Paris at the Institut de France. September 25, 6:30 pm.
  • What’s Involved in Negotiating at a Conference of the Parties. ENS; September 25.
  • 150 Years of Research at EPHE. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, September 28.
  • Tuesdays at the ENC: Olivier Poncet talks about his book Mazarin l’Italien. October 9.
  • Building the European Heritage. ENC; date in November to be determined.
  • Scientific Inventions from ESPCI Paris. Date in November to be determined.

Admission is free for PSL students, subject to available space.

Cultural Events

Concerts and Shows

  • : Opening concert for this year’s Classical Concerts Festival on September 18 (special discounted rate for students of €5).
  • : A play written, directed and performed by the 2018 class of the Conservatoire National Supérieur d’Art Dramatique, with performances on September 27, 28 and 29.
  • at Université Paris-Dauphine; November 27.

Student and Athletic Events

  • Mass Yoga in the glass-roofed courtyard at Beaux-Arts de Paris during the week of September 24.
  • Open Sport Week for trying out PSL’s athletics programs at no charge, September 17-30.
  • Equality and Diversity Week at Université Paris-Dauphine to mark the institution’s 50th anniversary; September 24-28.
  • PSL Alumni Apéro,  an after-work get-together hosted by the PSL Alumni Association; ENS, September 27.
  • Made in Dauphine Award Ceremony at Université Paris-Dauphine; September 17.
  • : the forum for PSL organizations, date to be determined.

Researchers’ Night, Heritage Days and the Science Festival: three excellent opportunities to look at teaching and research institutions in a new light

  • , September 28.
  • Science Festival, October 6-14.