Call for international partnership projects: PSL Global Seed Fund 2024
To encourage the funding and launch of projects in partnership with international institutions, the ̳ International Relations Department is opening a call for projects. The PSL Global Seed Fund is aimed at all PSL faculty and researchers, to encourage and support their international activities. Following an initial call for projects launched in spring 2023, which rewarded 12 projects, PSL is launching its 2nd call for projects for 2024.

The call is aimed at faculty and researchers from PSL’s component schools, associate members and/or partner institutions (hereafter called “institutions” in a broad sense). The project can be submitted by a team from multiple institutions (a single sponsor must be identified in the proposal). Proposals involving a PhD student will be especially appreciated.
The objective is to:
- consolidate or expand pre-existing partnerships
- promote new international scientific or educational collaborations between researchers, teams and institutions, and strengthen the internationalization of PSL’s Graduate Programs
- boost the outreach and attractiveness of PSL and its component schools overseas
This set of regulations defines the general conditions of this call for projects.
Additional international funds
The GSF is not limited by theme or partner, and the initiative is designed to be bottom-up depending on the projects that researchers wish to develop. Please note that for certain strategic partners of PSL University, similar funding exists on the partner's side. In this case, it is important to find out abouth the call and its timetable so that the team you are working with can apply and obtain co-funding for the project.
- Université de Montréal: (Autumn call deadline 15 October/Spring call 15 March)
- Polytechnique Montréal: (Deadline 16 January)
- Rice University:
- UT Austin: &
- UCL:
A call for projects on quantum sciences will be launched in spring 2024 jointly by the ANR and the Canadian NSERC (decision taken at the France-Canada Strategic Council in April 2023). With this in mind, and to prepare the response to this ANR call, part of the Global Seed Fund will be set aside to finance Franco-Canadian quantum science projects.
- Total budget for the call for proposals: €150,000
- Funding awarded will not exceed €12,000
- The activities covered by the funding will take place in 2024.
Please note: a 2nd call will be published on spring 2024.
Types of activities eligible
- Organization of conferences, research seminars, workshops, artistic events, seasonal schools (organization and travel costs)
- Exploratory or consolidation missions with an international partner or future partner
- Research trips for PhD or postdoctoral students (*if the trip cannot be covered by specific ERASMUS+ funding)
- Transfer of knowledge or expertise aiming to strengthen scientific skills
- Hosting of an intern at a laboratory (internship wages)
Main evaluation criteria
The evaluation process will mainly consider:
- the project’s scientific quality and originality
- the involvement of several PSL establishments in the project (whether as components, associates, or partners) whenever appropriate
- the interest of the collaboration for PSL. The project should target a university whose complementary nature and contribution in scientific and technical terms or in terms of access to the field are clearly highlighted in the application.
Other important points:
The selection panel will pay particular attention to the following criteria:
- involvement of young researchers (PhD/postdoctoral)
- multidisciplinary
- subsidiarity: if the establishment concerned has its own financing adapted to the proposed project, this financing should be preferred.
- ambition of the project and expected short-term results: for example, the project aims to prepare the submission of an application to a European or international call for proposals.
- co-funding: for example, it is co-funded by one or more PSL institutions; it has mirror funding from the international partner; it is/will be the subject of external funding.
The Jury will pay particular attention to the carbon footprint of the proposed projects.
How to apply?
Complete the attached application form, include a short CV for the project sponsor and written proof of the commitment of the foreign partner(s) to the project (letter, email).
Application must be sent before midnight on 12 November to the international relations department (IRD) of the project leader's institution (component, associate or partner), whose contacts are listed below [link] PSL's international relations department may be added in copy ( In case of projects involving several institutions, the project leader will forward the project to the IRD of his or her institution and will inform any other IRD that may be involved, adding them in copy of the email. If you have any questions about the call for applications, please contact:
Selection procedure:
Projects will be sent to the International Relations Department of the respective institution (component school, associate member, partner), which will perform an initial review of the projects received, to determine whether there is internal or external funding that is better suited for the submitted projects.
The projects will then be forwarded to PSL's International Relations Department.
All proposals sent will be examined by a panel made up of:
- Vice-President of International Relations and the PSL International Relations Department
- A representative of the PSL Education Department
- A representative of PSL's research department
The outcome will be communicated early December 2023.
Administrative procedure
- A funding agreement will be established between PSL and the project sponsor’s component school, associate member, or partner institution. In the event of expenditure being incurred directly by a second institution, a specific funding decision may be required to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.
- A short financial report must be supplied in the two months following the the International Relations Department PSL
Call launch: October 3
Closing date: midnight on 12 November
Results by early December
Eligibility of expenditure from 15 February