Call for Proposals: “Creation, Cognition, Society” (CCS) IRIS

The Creation, Cognition, Society (CCS) Interdisciplinary and Strategic Research Initiative (IRIS) would like to help spur the emergence, at PSL, of a research community and integrated research agenda focused on the topic of creation. Taking full advantage of PSL’s scientific structure, CCS studies acts of creation through a strong interdisciplinary lens combining the humanities and social science, cognitive science, materials science, engineering, and mathematical modeling.
The extraordinary concentration of arts schools within PSL makes it possible for the project to surpass traditional barriers between academic research and artistic experimentation and to develop “hybrid” research models that involve both researchers and artists.
The CCS IRIS focuses on three main areas:
- Creation: Study of creative practices, regardless of form and modality
- Cognition: Study of the cognitive processes mobilized in the creative act and in the reception of created artifacts, events, devices, etc.
- Society: Study of the social dimension of the acts of creation and reception.
This call for proposals seeks to uncover top-notch innovative projects/initiatives related to these three main areas of focus that harness the unique nature of research conducted at PSL in creation and the arts. The call for proposals is open to all researchers and research professors that are statutory members of a research team primarily hosted by a PSL member institution (excluding EPST). To be eligible, projects must involve at least two PSL partners (excluding EPST).
In keeping with the formative role of the CCS IRIS, proposals that involve arts schools and university institutions alike and/or that are likely to intersect with one of the initiatives funded when CCS was launched (see list in the attached document, “CCS IRIS projects already underway”) are particularly encouraged. Maximum funding of up to €10k is available for a one-year period (potentially renewable once).
To submit a response to this CFP, please complete the attached application form. Incomplete applications will not receive consideration.
The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2017. Results will be announced in mid-April 2017. Please send applications (application form attached) and any requests for further information to: