
El Mouhoub Mouhoud, President of Dauphine - PSL, elected interim President of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ and its Foundation


El Mouhoub Mouhoud, President of Dauphine - PSL, was elected interim President by the Board of Directors of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ (27 votes "for", 4 "against" and 0 abstentions) and Fondation PSL (unanimous vote).

²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ Nomination Président par intérim - copyright Henrike Stahl

In accordance with the regulatory documents of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳, the board of directors of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ and PSL Foundation have elected economist El Mouhoub Mouhoud, President of Dauphine - PSL, as interim President. This election follows the resignation of Alain Fuchs, President of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ since October 2017, announced on Wednesday June 26, 2024. El Mouhoub Mouhoud had been unanimously proposed by the executive board with no abstentions to the university's board of directors and by the foundation's board. His mandate takes effect immediately after the election.

The interim President will combine his duties with those of Dauphine - PSL, which he has chaired for almost four years. "It is important to me that ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ continues to carry out its missions serenely during this phase leading up to the election of a new President, in accordance with its statutes," says El Mouhoub Mouhoud. During this transition period, a collegial governance structure will be put in place. In addition to the Executive Board and the Comex, it will be supported by the PSL Board and regular meetings with all school heads, including of course those of the schools in the process of integration. "I also know that I can count on the exemplary commitment and professionalism of PSL's head office teams during this transitional period. As interim president of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ and its Foundation, my priorities, shared with my colleagues, will be to finalize the integration of the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs and the École nationale supérieure d'architecture Paris-Malaquais." The construction of major research programs will continue, as will the priority projects underway. "I will also be responsible for guaranteeing the continuity of the university's services and missions, ensuring the start of PSL courses and the monitoring and assessment of programs (Excellences, SFRI), particularly graduate programs, strengthen relations with organizations, ensure the smooth operation of PSL's internationalization partnerships, and guarantee the implementation and smooth operation of the Search Committee for the recruitment of a ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ President.

El Mouhoub Mouhoud

El Mouhoub MOUHOUD has been Professor of Economics since 2006 at Dauphine - PSL, of which he has been Chairman since 2020. D. in economics from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne in 1991, and agrégé in economics (1994), he has also worked as a scientific advisor to the Commissariat Général du Plan, a department of the Prime Minister (France Stratégies) and as a consultant to the OECD, the UN and the World Bank. He is a member of the Cercle des économistes, Research Fellow of the Economic Research Forum and of the Steering Committee of the Association Française de Sciences Économiques.
His research focuses on the effects of globalization, territorial competitiveness, industrial relocation, international migration and the development of MENA countries. His pioneering work has analyzed and predicted the phenomenon of industrial relocation. He is the author of around a hundred articles published in international and French academic journals and some twenty books, including Mondialisation et délocalisation des entreprises, La Découverte, Cinquième édition (2017), L'immigration en France. Fayard, 2017, Finance et connaissances. Des liaisons Dangereuses au cœur du capitalisme contemporain, La Découverte, 2009...

Before becoming President of the University, he was a regular visiting professor at numerous foreign universities (New York's New School for Social Research, Princeton University's Institute for the Transregional Study of the Contemporary Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, Fudan-Shanghaï University, Hanoi University, Seoul National University, Bogota University, etc.).
As President of Dauphine - PSL, he is developing a strategy to promote bi-disciplinarity from the Bachelor's to the Doctorate level, which has led to the opening of a double Bachelor's degree in IA and Organizational Sciences (including 50% women), or the introduction of "binomial theses", extended to the PSL level, enabling two doctoral students from two different disciplines to work together on the same subject (each with their own thesis director) within the framework of a chair.
Since 2021, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Chancellerie de Paris, the Board of Directors of the EHESS, the Board of Directors of the Cité Universitaire Internationale de Paris, and since 2024, the Board of Directors of the Institut National du Cancer. Since October 2023, he has also been President of the AUF Regional Conference of Rectors in Western Europe.


The Search Committee

Eight members of the Search Committee were appointed on June 20, 2024 by the Board of Directors of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ to assist in the search for and identification of candidates for the future presidency of the institution.

The purpose of this committee is to assist the Board of Directors in the search for and identification of candidates with a view to the election of a new president in January 2025. It is made up of two ex officio members (the Chair of the Strategic Orientation Council and the Chair of the Academic Senate) and a maximum of eight members. Strict parity is maintained (4 women, 4 men).

The Board approved the following composition:

Members by right

  •  Michael Worton: A British academic specializing in French literature, Michael Worton is professor emeritus and former vice-provost of University College London. Commander of the Order of the British Empire, officier de l'ordre des palmes académiques, he has been honored on several occasions by international institutions. He chairs the Strategic Orientation Council of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳.
  • Claude Catala: Doctor of State in astrophysics and astronomer, Claude Catala was President of the Observatoire de Paris - PSL from 2011 to 2020. He has been President of the Academic Senate of PSL University since January 2021. In charge of major international space projects since 1993, he has taken part in various missions involving the search for exoplanets and the study of the internal structure of stars.

Heads of PSL institutions/components

  • Fabienne Casoli: A graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, with a degree in physics, a doctorate in astrophysics and a career as an astronomer, Fabienne Casoli is President of the Observatoire de Paris - PSL. Throughout her career, she has held various positions in the world of research administration within the major French decision-making bodies in astronomy and astrophysics.
  • Frédéric Worms: A specialist in Bergson and contemporary French philosophy, Frédéric Worms joined ENS - PSL as a professor in 2013. Appointed deputy director of Lettres in 2015, he will become director of the school in March 2022.A philosopher of care and democracy, he was a member of the Comité consultatif national d'éthique (CCNE) from 2013 to 2021.

External personalities

  • Maud Cohen: Director General of Polytechnique Montréal since August 2022, Maud Cohen previously served as President and CEO of Fondation CHU Sainte Justine and President & Official Spokesperson of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec. In 2018 and 2020, she was named one of Entreprendre magazine's 100 Women Leaders of the Future.
  • Edith Heard:Director of the Institut Curie's Genetics and Developmental Biology Unit, professor at the Collège de France and holder of the "epigenetics and cellular memory" chair, Edith Heard has been Managing Director of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory since 2017. A member of numerous international academies, she was awarded the 2017 Inserm Grand Prix.

Elected representatives

  • Elisabeth Massoni - Causse: PhD in materials science and engineering (Mines Paris - PSL,1987) Elisabeth Massoni - Causse is a teacher-researcher at CEMEF- Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux de Mines Paris-PSL (Sophia Antipolis), where she has directed numerous theses.
  • Denis Rousset: Director of Studies in the Historical and Philological Sciences section of the EPHE - PSL, Denis Rousset is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, with an agrégation in Classics and a PhD in Ancient History. He is the author of nearly 200 publications in various languages in leading ancient history series and periodicals.