Graduate students, choose PSL in 2022!

Master's program: define your future career
PSL Master's degrees are selective and cross-disciplinary; they target high potential students, from a variety of backgrounds, to achieve excellence. Life Sciences, Digital Humanities, Cognitive Science, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Quantitative Economics, or Fashion & materials... Find the program that best suits you:
- 40 Master's degrees in every subject, in the heart of Paris, on our many campuses within PSL (ENS - PSL, Dauphine - PSL, MINES Paris - PSL, École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL, EPHE - PSL, Ecole nationale des chartes - PSL, ESPCI Paris - PSL, Observatoire de Paris - PSL) .
- 5 diplomas from Grandes écoles equal to Master's degrees: Engineering at ESPCI-PSL; engineering and energy engineering at MINES Paris-PSL; engineering at École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL; degree from the École normale supérieure-PSL.
- Degree "Playing and directing" at CNSAD - PSL.
- ~40 courses of study available in English.
About 50% of the programs are cross-institutional (degrees hosted by at least 2 PSL Schools), which allows students to benefit twice from a top-tier environment.
2022 Admissions schedule
The recruitment schedules are available on the pages of the programs in the "Admissions" tab. For instance : Materials Science and Engineering master's degree.The main recruitment times are as follows:
- Master's degrees operated by Chimie Paris - PSL, ENS - PSL, EPHE - PSL and Mines Paris - PSL: major recruitment phase between March 1 and the end of April. Please visit the master's degree pages for more details.
- Master's degrees operated by the Ecole nationale des chartes - PSL: 1st session from January 17 to March 17, second session from April 1 to May 15, 2022
- Master's degree operated by the Observatoire de Paris - PSL: M1 from February 1 to May 15, 2022, M2 from March 1 to June 30, 2022
- Master's degrees 1 & 2 in Organizational Sciences operated by Dauphine - PSL: from January 25 to February 24 or March 7, 2022, depending on the Master.
- Master's degrees 1 & 2 in Law operated by Dauphine - PSL: from May 10 to June 1, 2022
- M1 and M1 & M2 in Mathematics and Computer Science for Decision-Making and Organization (MIDO) operated by Dauphine - PSL: from March 18 to May 9, 2022
- M2 in Mathematics and Computer Science for Decision-Making and Organizations (MIDO) operated by Dauphine - PSL : from March 30 to June 27, 2022, depending on the master's program.
For masters operated by Dauphine - PSL,
PhD tracks: Start a prestigious academic career
These 5-year programs, taught entirely in English, are designed for high-potential students who want to become leading researchers in France and worldwide.
- PhD tracks: Chemistry, Life sciences, Applied Mathematics, Earth sciences and biodiversity, Astrophysics, Physics, Finance
- Teaching entirely in English
- A grant of €10,000/year for the first two years in the curriculum (Master's year 1 and 2) and the equivalent of a doctoral contract for the next three years
2022 Admissions schedule
- Deadline to send applications: November 15 to December 15, 2021, on the PSL application website
- Interview with eligible candidates: January 31 to March 22, 2022 (depending on the chosen PhD track)
- Results of the admission process: End of March / Beginning of April 2022
SAVE THE DATE | Webinar Graduate Programs and PhD tracks on November 27 from 2021 2:00 to 3:00 pm (Paris time).
More information & registration