
Listening and monitoring unit : "Large-scale awareness has really begun".


The ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ listening and watch unit was launched in 2021. Two years after its launch, Florence Benoit-Moreau, the University's Vice President for Student Life and Social Responsibility & Sarah Asset, Director of Student Life and Campus, look back at how the scheme works and its key lessons.

Cellule d'écoute et de veille de l'²ÝÁñÂÛ̳

The listening and monitoring unit was launched at the start of the 2021 school year. What were your initial ambitions?

Sarah Asset: We had to meet the regulatory requirement, but we wanted to set up a structure that met the needs and configuration of PSL University. We wanted to create a secure, non-binding space for freedom of speech, and it was important that those wishing to make a report should be able to remain in control of the process, obtain information and closely monitor the various stages.

Florence Benoit-Moreau: In addition, the Cellule has a wider ambition to provide training and raise awareness on these subjects, which need to be the focus of attention of everyone on campus, student communities and staff, beyond those directly confronted with the situations. Over the past 2 years, training courses have become compulsory for new arrivals, and awareness-raising events (plays, documentary-debates, exhibitions by female students, etc.) are held throughout the year. While not everything is perfect, large-scale awareness-raising is well underway.

The listening and monitoring unit is shared by all our facilities. How does it work?

SA: As it stands, the unit covers the needs of the whole university, while outsourcing requests to a certain extent - which is reassuring for presumed victims - and enables each PSL component to retain its independence and responsibility in disciplinary matters. The unit's mission is clearly defined. It only listens and assists with investigations. By not taking charge of disciplinary matters, we ensure the independence of the establishments, but also the possibility for victims to speak out without pressure and/or coercion.

FBM: On a functional level, the unit, which is managed from PSL's central services, relies on volunteers from each of the component establishments. They all come from the 3 communities: student, academic and administrative staff. This represents a real strength in terms of being in touch with the more local terrain of each establishment, while avoiding potential conflicts of interest or allowing the person reporting the problem to indicate their wishes regarding the composition of a possible listening group. What's more, the relatively large pool of resources means that we can absorb new cases more easily than a single facility would.

In 2021, you launched your first survey of PSL students and staff. Why this survey? And what were the main results? 

SA: The survey was the result of a request shared by the management of PSL's establishments, to obtain an inventory that would enable us to target our actions by correctly identifying needs. The results are in line with national averages, which tells us that a great deal of work remains to be done, with particular emphasis on student life and student accommodation. The preliminary results we provided to establishments during the 2022-23 year were followed by action, which was quite important for us.

FBM: The survey provides a starting point, including knowledge of the systems and measurement of the number of people trained. From there, we'll see 2 or 3 years later whether things have changed. The survey also had a pedagogical value, both because it explained the definitions of each form of VSS (for quantification purposes), and because it provided information on the opening of the cell.

PSL: The program celebrates its second anniversary this year. What is your assessment? What are the next steps?   

The key words for the future are: consolidate the fruits of experience, strengthen skills and actions with a dedicated person to make our campuses places where everyone feels included and at their rightful place in the collective!

SA: The unit's activity has been steadily increasing over the past two years, and we're becoming better identified. This year, we've added three new establishments: Institut Curie, Ecole des Arts Décoratifs and ENSA Paris Malaquais to our scope of action. We are also consolidating our partnerships with existing units, such as the one at Dauphine - PSL. Our aim is to continue to make ourselves known, to increase our expertise in all forms of discrimination, not just sexist and sexual violence, and to professionalize the unit by recruiting dedicated staff.

FBM: Yes, the key words for the future are: consolidate the fruits of experience, strengthen skills and actions with a dedicated person to make our campuses places where everyone feels included and in their rightful place in the collective!

Résultats de l'enquête sur les violences sexuelles et sexistes - ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ - 2022

Download survey results

The listening and monitoring unit

The PSL listening and monitoring unit provides a forum for discussion and information:

  • Its mission is to facilitate the reporting of situations of sexist and sexual violence, harassment, hazing and discrimination.
  • It has no disciplinary function and cannot impose sanctions.

All contacts will receive an initial response within 7 working days. In the event of a report, a listening group will be set up, in consultation with the person making the report, in the following weeks. The purpose of this group will be to listen to and guide the person, and then, if necessary, to refer the matter to the referral unit. Once the referral has been made, the "cellule d'écoute et de veille" (listening and monitoring unit) will meet and give an indicative opinion on the action to be taken, and then support the person in taking any necessary steps. If it is decided that the situation should be followed up by disciplinary action, your contact person will guide and assist you in taking the necessary steps.

The cellule d'écoute et de veille PSL will take all necessary steps within a reasonable timeframe, in complete confidentiality and in full transparency with the person who made the report, in accordance with articles 8 and 9 of its organizational regulations.

The listening and monitoring unit covers all PSL component establishments and works in collaboration with existing units. It can be contacted at

Dauphine - PSL created a reporting system in 2018, students and staff of this institution can contact the address directly:

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The listening and monitoring unit

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Response within 7 working days