
PSL Chimie issues a call for proposals


Conducted at numerous PSL institutions (Chimie Paris, ENS, ESPCI, Institut Curie, Collège de France, MINES ParisTech, IBPC and the Observatoire de Paris), chemical research at PSL covers almost all aspects of the field and additionally explores areas where chemistry intersects with other disciplines.


Chimiste dans son laboratoire

To further build the formative output of this PSL community and increase its visibility in France and worldwide, PSL has launched an initiative based on two main themes:
    - Chemistry at the frontiers of living science
    - Chemistry for sustainable cities

This call for proposals seeks innovative projects and new collaborations around these two themes (which are described in further detail below). Projects can take one of two forms:
    Hosting new research teams at existing PSL facilities (download application).
    Conducting research in partnership with at least two teams hosted by at least one PSL schools & institute (excluding EPST) (download application).

Proposals must be received by October 9, 2016.