PSL-Environnement launches two calls for proposals
Within PSL, the PSL Environnement section is designed to serve as an interchange between disciplines, bringing top-tier skills from across all its schools & institutes to bear on issues related to the evolution of our societies within the context of our “Earth” environment.
PSL Environnement is emblematic of the integrative dynamic the university hopes to achieve between its schools & institutes. The project is based on an extremely topical scientific observation. Studying today’s environmental issues requires analyzing complex systems, both natural and human, and especially the ways they interact, to gain a comprehensive and innovative understanding of broad topics related to climate, oceans, water, health, energy, pollution, biodiversity, soil, and urbanism. These studies rely on research in a wide variety of fields including mathematics, physics, chemistry, life and earth sciences, and social sciences. They also have aspects of philosophy and humanities (sociology, economics, geography) and public policy.
Purpose of the two calls for proposals
Environmental Education: funds projects for further education and topic-specific schools (maximum €20K). This call for proposals covers a broad range of types of education, with an initial focus on encouraging all initiatives whose aim is to set up one-type courses (such as summer schools) or programs with more follow-up, with training in the environmental sphere. This ‘one-stop-shop’ approach will also allow PSL Environnement to serve as a facilitator and intermediary, combining certain initiatives to suggest a complete offering (to apply, download application files).
Scientific Incentive Projects: funds incentive-type research projects (maximum €25K). The aim of this initiative is to facilitate network formation via small projects, in a variety of forms, generated by PSL’s “environment” community (to apply, download application files).
Only projects that are formative, i.e. involve at least two PSL member institutions, and promote cross-disciplinarity will be funded.
- call for proposals closes on: June 10, 2016
- preliminary date for announcing results: late July
- project launch: late September