PSL Student healthcare services earn recognition among the campus initiatives for its commitment to social & environmental responsibility
On May 5, 2022, the first presentation of the « Prix pour le mieux commun » ("Prize for the common good"), awarded by MAIF and FNCAS (Fédération Nationale de Conseil en Action Sociale) rewarded the student healthcare service of PSL.
The "Prize for the Common Good" (« Prix pour le mieux commun » ) was initiated jointly by MAIF and FNCAS (Fédération Nationale de Conseil en Action Sociale) in order to highlight the social & environmental responsibility initiatives of the year carried out by a higher education and/or research institution.
PSL's student healthcare services are the first initiative that received this prize, associated with a €10,000 endowment.
In a joint press release, the FNCAS and MAIF stated: "PSL's 'student healthcare services' aims to offer all its students access to both physical and mental health, on the fields of prevention and daily support, and fulfill the task in a personalized, accessible, unlimited and free approach."
Florence Benoit-Moreau, PSL's Vice President for Student Life and Social Responsibility, said: "This award makes us very proud. It rewards the efforts initiated by an entire team since September 2020 to develop three complementary angles: a preventive medicine center, a prevention and psychological guidance center, and a teleconsultation service for general practitioners and specialists, free of charge and avilable 7 days a week, operated by the Qare platform. Our challenge now is to keep reaching out out to students through events and workshops and make health prevention a daily routine."
PSL also conveys its congratulations to the University of Aix-Marseille, which won the jury's "coup de coeur" award for its "student commitment bonus".
Student healthcare services
A shared health service is available to PSL students. This service is entirely free of charge and consists of a preventive medicine center and a prevention and psychological orientation center (available by appointment from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) and a teleconsultation service available 7 days a week from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., based on a partnership with the company Qare.