
Science festival 2022: establish a dialogue between science and society


From October 7 to 17, PSL is celebrating science. Experimental sciences, humanities and social sciences, economics, law... all the research fields involved in the 140 laboratories of the university are at the heart of a rich program meant to a large public. From the youngest pupils to students, including public institutions and high school students, scientific popularization activities, debates and conferences will be offered at various points on the campus and in the heart of Paris.

PSL Fête la science 2022

Strengthen the "science - society" dialogue about climate: a program in partnership with the Climate Academy

From Wednesday, October 12 to Saturday, October 15, ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳, in partnership with the , will offer a series of meetings to its various audiences: school students and family audiences, but also NGOs, development structures, elected officials and senior civil servants.

Wednesday, October 12

  • 2 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.: - Discovery and experimentation workshops with the Climate Academy teams and Universté PSL researchers - Event reserved for leisure centers. Sold out.
  • 7:30 p.m. -9 p.m.: "" meeting between Think Thank Le Lierre and PSL researchers (invited persons only)

Thursday, October 13

  • 2 p.m.-5 p.m.: , led by Traces - What are the research issues related to water? Mini conferences + workshops games for high school students! - Event for high school students only
  • 6:30-8:30 p.m.: Conference & Café débat with Aurore Grandin: "" - Available to everyone

Friday, October 14

  • 4:30-7 p.m.: meeting run by Soscience
  • 7:30 Scientific cocktail & jazz concert. Available to everyone
  • 20:30: by the PSL Orchestra, conducted by Johan Farjot. Salle des Fêtes.

Saturday, October 15: an afternoon with scientific animations - Available to everyone.

  • 2-5 p.m.:
  • 2-6 p.m.:
  • 2-6 p.m.: : un moment littéraire et engagé sur les eaux douces, le respect et la gratitude qu’il faut leur accorder et leur gestion raisonnée et poétique.
  • 2pm - 5pm:. Discover materials research inspired by nature! The different research tracks developed at the PMMH laboratory at ESPCI Paris - PSL, in connection with the Beauty(s) Chair.
  • 2:30 pm - 6 pm: with the student association of popularization EPICS of the ESPCI Paris - PSL. On the program, meteorological phenomena (creation of a tornado, water cycle...), but also the question of energy production (electrical, heat transfer and insulation). Continuous access throughout the afternoon.
  • 2:30 - 6:00 pm: with the student association of the Cercle de Chimie Paris - PSL.
  • 3 - 4:30 pm: . Between students who "branch out" to respect their ideals, and scientists who militate for the climate or for women's rights, we are witnessing a new form of civic engagement in the research community. Interactive workshop led by Association Traces, with the participation of researchers from ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳. Open to all.


Pictures exhibition

  • From October 12 to 15, from 10 am to 6 pm, the Institute of Rare Languages (ILRARA) of the EPHE-PSL offers about the relationship between ecosystems and rare languages


Sharing science: a series of events in the heart of campus laboratories

  • Institut Curie
    • October 7 and 9 & October 15-16:
    • October 8 at 3 p.m:
    • October 15 at 1 p.m.:
  • Observatoire de Paris - PSL (@Meudon) :
    • October 13-14 for school students - Oct. 15 for the general public. Booking is required.
  • Collège de France :
    • October 15, available to everyone.
  • École nationale supérieure de Chimie-PSL : !
    • Experiments under the public's eyes
    • October 15 between 1:30 p.m. and 6:30 and October 16 between 1:30 p.m. and 6
  • École normale supérieure - PSL: Labs in celebration!
    • The scientific departments of the ENS-PSL open their doors: small courses, workshops, games, exhibitions, laboratory visits
    • Friday, October 14 for schoolchildren (sold out), October 15 and 16 for the general public, from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm at 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris.
      • Du 7 au 17 octobre
    • October 12 afternoon: scientific animation for all ages: "Superconductivity and magnetism"
    • October 14: for schoolchildren, stands and lab visits!
    • October 15 afternoon: stands of scientific manips of the student association EPICS at the Climate Academy, in connection with the theme "Climate change: mitigation and adaptation".
  • École des Mines Paris-PSL
    • : Musée de Minéralogie de l'École, October 7 and October 11-13
    • : the general public can access the library on October 12, 13 and 15; a guided tour of the exhibition is offerred, as well as workshops.
    • : workshops & exhibition on October  9 and 15-16

The full program will be updated.

Science with and for society

²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ has been awarded the "Science with and for Society" certification since November 2021.

Label Science avec et pour la société SAPS