
Science Festival at PSL: how and why do scientists explore the universe?


Between October 2 to 12, PSL schools, labs and student organizations invite you to the 29th Science Festival. Most events are available remotely, a few are in person, in compliance with the safety regulations, so that you can discover science from every angle with the University's resarchers, engineers, learning officers.

PSLFête la Science 2020

On October, Saturday 3, the museum of Institut Curie will perform the scientific experiment conducted by Pierre et Marie Curie when they measured radioactivity.

Between October 5-10, ESPGG is organizing scientific workshops, lectures, debates, stands by researchers to learn scientific observation. The activities are for young and mature people alike.

Set up by students from several PSL schools, the exhibition about "An iron constitution" shows the museum's collections under a new angle. Between October 7-9, students will organize with ESPGG tours to discover the exhibition and several scientific institutes in the quartier latin.

Between October 5-11, Observatoire de Paris - PSL will celebrate remotely the Science Festival. The program includes guided tours of the places where astronomers work, series of live lectures, learning workshop held remotely.

  • de Thomas Hinault
  • by

Events organized throughout France

  • at Université de Perpignan with a participation by Camille Clerissi (EPHE - PSL), on October 9
  • at Centre de Géoécologie Littorale de l’École Pratique des Hautes Études - PSL de Dinard
  • Participation by MINES ParisTech - PSL researchers in the
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Full program is available on PSL events and with the #PSLFêteLaScience hashtag