PSL stands with Ukraine
²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ strongly condemns the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops. On March 10 of this year, the Board of Directors voted on an initial assistance package to help students and researchers affected by the crisis.
This page will be regularly updated.
Last update: April 13, 2022
Reception and aid: PSL's services
Following the deliberation of the Board of Directors of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ on March 10, 2022, policies are implemented to assist & welcome Ukrainian students, teachers, researchers or the victims of the conflict in third countries. For any request, please read the information below.
All requests should be sent to: ukraine.psl[@]
²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ welcomes students from Ukraine and from third countries affected by the conflict. It strives to guide every one of them as best it can among its schools, depending on the persons' subjects, their levels and their ability to study or work in French and/or English. If necessary, it also directs them to national and European aid programs.
Given these characteristics, any student wishing to contact PSL should also register on the or send an email to: This will maximize their chances of finding a suitable course in France.
To contact PSL, please send an email to: ukraine.psl[@]
When contacting us, as far as possible, do not forget to include as much information as you can, especially on the following points...
- Your identity (name, first name, age, nationality)
- Scientific or training background (education level, field of study, command of French and/or English, general or specific projects and interests)
- Geographical situation (current location, medical state and ability to come to Paris)
- The course of study you're interested in (see the course catalog here)
Any copy of an official document is also appreciated (diplomas, transcripts, lists of publications, etc.).
²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ welcomes teachers, researchers and academics from Ukraine and from third countries affected by the conflict. It strives to guide very one of them as best it can among its schools, depending on the persons' subjects, their levels and their ability to study or work in French and/or English. If necessary, it also directs them to national and European aid programs (such as ...).
All requests should be sent to: ukraine.psl[@]
When contacting us, as far as possible, do not forget to include as much information as you can, especially on the following points...
- Your identity (name, first name, age, nationality)
- Scientific or training background (education level, field of study, command of French and/or English, general or specific projects and interests)
- Geographical situation (current location, medical state and ability to come to Paris)
Any copy of an official document is also appreciated (diplomas, transcripts, lists of publications, etc.).
Emergency assistance fund
Following deliberation of the Board of Directors of March 10, 2022 of ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳, several funds have been set up to support Ukrainian students in the various component schools, including a one-lump emergency assistance fund.
The emergency assistance fund is intended for Ukrainian students who are officially enrolled before December 31, 2021 in a curriculum at a PSL component or associated school. The fund amounts for €50,000 for the year 2021-22.
Applicants for emergency assistance fund must provide the following documents:
- Ukrainian identity document;
- Certificate of enrollment before December 31, 2021 in a degree program at a PSL component or associate school for the current academic year;
- bank account ID with their name (they may ask the Welcome Desk de PSL for help in opening a French bank account);
- The application form for emergency assistance for Ukrainian students duly completed ().
The documents should be sent to aides.sociales[@], which will also be your contact for any questions about how the assistance fund works.
Emergency support is a lump sum of €250, €500 or €1,000; it is awarded by a cross-institutional aid committee, chaired by the vice-president for student life and social responsibility at ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳.
Funding may be requested several times by the same person during the academic year, up to a limit of €5,000 for the academic year.
The following people sit on the emergency assistance fund's committee for Ukrainian students:
- The vice-president for student life and social responsibility at ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳;
- A representative of the ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳'s General Services Department;
- The Director of Education at ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳;
- The person in charge of student life at the University;
- A representative of the student life departments of each school where student submitted an application.
The committee may invite any person it deems useful to act as an expert. The committee will meet at least once a month until the end of the 2021-22 academic year, unless there is no application. It keeps the right to meet more regularly depending on the seriousness of the applications received.
After evaluating the file, the committee makes an individual decision specifying the amount of emergency funding granted.
Counseling services
- Priority contact: / Coordinating nurse, Ms Legent: +33 (0)7 76 08 63 28
- Nightline (Chat and counselling service for students by students) / +33 (0)1 88 32 12 32
- APASO free counselling service (providing prevention, contact, support and guidance): +33 (0)1 1 40 47 55 47 /

²ÝÁñÂÛ̳'s statements and commitments
- Establishment of a University Emergency Fund (the university and its component schools) for Ukrainian PSL students, with an initial sum of €50,000 for the 2021-22 academic year;
- Use of conventional emergency funds for PSL students affected by the Ukraine crisis (for example, Russian PSL students can receive aid where appropriate);
- Establishment of a ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ Fund (the university and its component schools) with an initial sum of €500,000 to welcome refugee students from Ukraine and third countries (emergency scheme). The university has proposed to welcome an initial number of 53 students. A scheme to host students on degree programs is currently under appraisal for September 2022;
- Suspension of institutional education and research agreements with Russian universities and research entities;
- Suspended enforcement of the non-discrimination principle for applications to PSL academic programs as part of the ongoing admissions campaign.
PSL is also determining its capacities to host Ukrainian or Russian researchers and professors through the PAUSE program, as well as involving its communities who send supplies.
²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ is committed to maintaining its links with Russian fellow scientists in order to help protect academic freedom and the universality of research.
Dear students,
Dear colleagues,
²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ strongly condemns the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops. It expresses its solidarity with the people of Ukraine and reminds PSL students affected by this crisis that financial and psychological support services are available:
- Financial support: Emergency assistance fund: contact
- Psychological support:
- Priority contact: / Coordinating nurse, Ms Legent: +33 (0)7 76 08 63 28
- Nightline (Chat and counselling service for students by students) / +33 (0)1 88 32 12 32
- APASO free counselling service (providing prevention, contact, support and guidance): +33 (0)1 1 40 47 55 47 /
PSL students in Ukraine are invited to contact the French embassy.
Laboratory directors are also reminded that there is the Science for Ukraine initiative.
According to some rumors, French universities are preparing to "expel" Russian students. We firmly oppose such allegations, which are fake news spread for propaganda purposes. ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳ reminds that Russian students and colleagues are welcome and are not held responsible for the actions taken by their government.
Official instructions in higher education and research
- Les ressortissants français présents en Ukraine doivent contacter le poste diplomatique, qui a constitué une cellule de crise dont la priorité absolue aujourd'hui est d'accompagner la communauté française et l'évacuation des ressortissants français vers la France. L'Ambassade de France en Ukraine ouvre, à destination des Français se trouvant en Ukraine, une cellule téléphonique au +380 44 590 36 39.
- Il est recommandé aux ressortissants français présents en Russie, étudiants, chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs, de quitter le territoire russe. Une ligne téléphonique dédiée a été ouverte (+7 495 937 14 91) pour répondre aux préoccupations les plus urgentes des français présents en Russie. Par ailleurs, il convient de différer tout déplacement vers la Russie.
- Il est recommandé aux ressortissants français présents en Biélorussie de quitter le pays par la route, via les points de passage frontaliers avec la Lituanie, la Pologne ou la Lettonie. Le cas échéant, les passagers arrivés par voie aérienne doivent solliciter un visa de sortie auprès des services du ministère biélorusse de l'intérieur. L'ambassade reste joignable (+375 17 229 18 00 ; +375 17 229 18 01 et
- Il est recommandé de se tenir informés des . "
- Scientific communities impacted by the crisis in Ukraine and challenged in submitting a project to an ANR call, or in conducting a funded project, can contact the ANR at and request an adequate help. ;
Actions within PSL to support Ukrainian people
Donations & fundraising
- by Institut Curie
- to develop the emergency support fund at ENS - PSL in order to support students & researchers affected by the conflict
- to support Ukrainian students at EPHE - PSL
- : charity fundraising by students at UNEF Dauphine - PSL
- Fundraising within ESPCI Paris – PSL (please connect to the School's intranet)
- by the student association MigrENS at ENS - PSL
Information & support
- : using that hashtag, this group makes and broadcasts a list with all available support to students and researchers from Ukrainian academia that's impacted by the war.
messages to student and academic communities from , , , .