Start-Ulm, a contest dedicated to young start-ups
The Club des Normaliens dans l'Entreprise (CNE) invites you to apply for Start-Ulm, a start-up competition organized every year at the ENS.

The Start-Ulm Competition is open to any company or project-structure created less than three years ago, provided that at least one of its founders is part of the "ENS community" or the "PSL community" (i.e. a student, former student, researcher or teacher at one of the teacher training colleges or PSL).
Start-Ulm 2017 will take place in two phases:
i) a qualifying phase, from October 2nd to November 4th, 2017.
ii) a final phase, during an evening organized on November 23rd 2017 at ENS.
During the qualification phase, applications should be sent in free format "A4 page" to The deadline for sending a first version is October 27th, with the possibility of modifications until November 4th.
The list of participants (at most seven) selected by the Selection Committee, will be published in early November on . The finalists must present, via one or more physically present persons, their project in a limited time (5 minutes each) during the evening of November 23rd, 2017.
The evening will take place in the presence of a jury chaired by Frédéric Mazzella (founder of BlaBlaCar) and composed of well-known personalities from the world of start-ups, and public composed of members of the management of PSL and ENS Ulm, members of the CNE and of their guests.
During this evening, the following prizes will be awarded: Jury Prize (accompanied by a € 5,000 check), Public Prize (accompanied by mentoring and introduction to investors), and possibly other prizes offered by CNE partners.
Confidentiality: The CNE guarantees that the data sent by the candidates and their analysis by the selection committee will remain confidential and will not be disclosed outside, including the names of unsuccessful candidates for the final phase.