
Three PSL Researchers awarded ERC Consolidator Grants in 2020


On December 9, 2020, the European Research Council released the list of 34 young French researchers who won the ERC Consolidator Grant 2020 call for proposals. Among the winners, three scientists work in laboratories run by ²ÝÁñÂÛ̳.

Vue d'un Vis tellurique au Musée de minéralogie de MINES Paris tech © Steve Murez

The ERC Consolidator Grant is an highly competitive grant, worth approximately €2 million, awarded for 5 years to exploratory research projects on an innovative theme. It supports experienced scientists (7 to 12 years after their doctorate) and promising candidates who wish to build or consolidate their research teams.

  • , Light-Control of Nonequilibrium Quantum Matter, jeunes équipes de l'Institut de Physique du Collège de France - PSL( USR3573)
  • , Conditions for the emergence of evolution during abiogenesis, Chimie Biologie Innovation (CBI), laboratoire de BioChimie de l'ESPCI - PSL (UMR8231)

Maximizing the chances of success for calls for proposals: SAAP's missions - An interview with Damien Vogel, head of the ENS research partnership department, and leader of the SAAP project

Funding from the ERC (European Research Council)

Founded in 2007, the is part of the European Framework Program for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020). Each year, the committee awards individual funding for a period of 5 years to scientists from all over the world. The ERC funds original exploratory research projects that bring scientific, technical and societal discoveries in all disciplines.

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Over 150 PSL researchers have won an ERC grant since 2012.