Observatoire de Paris - PSL

The Observatoire de Paris - PSL, under the auspices of the Ministry of National Education, is a large public institution for research in astronomy, astrophysics and meteorology.

Comparable to Harvard University’s Center for Astrophysics, this research center is at the forefront of global research, given its areas of study, the many researchers it hosts, and its significant publications output.

The Observatoire de Paris - PSL occupies three locations: Paris (founded in 1667), Meudon (1875) and Nançay (radio astronomy station, 1953).

From its very outset, the Observatoire became a crossroads for great European minds in the late 17th century. The most illustrious men and women of science in Europe are invited to come work at the Observatoire in close collaboration with its own astronomers.

The research conducted at the Observatoire de Paris - PSL covers all areas of astronomy and contemporary astrophysics.

In its abiding quest for knowledge, the Observatoire de Paris - PSL deploys formidable expertise and skill, developing observation instruments, leading international observation campaigns, processing and analyzing data, conducting digital simulations and laboratory experiments, and delving into theory, among other pursuits.

The Observatoire de Paris - PSL has been a leading force in the development of Europe’s large-scale telescopes, both Earth-bound (ESO) and space-based (ESA).


Observatoire de Paris - PSL
61 avenue de l’Observatoire
75014 Paris


01 40 51 22 21