Statistical Physics is a fundamental branch of theoretical physics, adopting a stochastic vision of nature. Closely linked to mathematics through probability theory, it extends well beyond its historical applications and is establishing itself as a key science for deciphering modern complex systems in all fields of knowledge.
The main objective of PSL-StatPhys is to structure and energise an interdisciplinary scientific community around Statistical Physics at PSL. This initiative aims to bring together the talents of the CEREMADE, DMA and LPENS departments, and to encourage cross-fertilisation between mathematicians and theoretical physicists, by tackling problems related to random and complex systems.
The main lines of research:
- To create and organise a scientific community within PSL that transcends historical departmental boundaries,
- Encourage cross-fertilisation between mathematics and physics.
- On a broader scale, this project will enable Université PSL to become a visible centre for Statistical Physics.
Project leaders:
Dauphine - PSL
Ecole Normale Supérieure - PSL