The MilliDrop company is a “UFO” in the world of microbiological analysis. No more flasks and other petri dishes! Thanks to its breakthrough technology, it can infinitely multiply the culture of microorganisms, inside simple millimeter drops! Each drop constitutes a miniaturized liquid culture tank (bioreactor), which can be manipulated simply and automatically.
The MilliDrop Analyzer, the company's first product, makes it possible to isolate, cultivate and characterize microorganisms (from single cells to colonies) in thousands of these miniaturized bioreactors in parallel. It is a benchtop instrument, easy to use, reliable and high throughput.
Thanks to its disruptive technology, MilliDrop participates in the discovery and development of a new generation of products, which use or target living microorganisms. Its fields of application cover human health, agriculture, bio-industry and environmental protection.
Original establishment: Laboratory of Colloids and Divided Materials of ESPCI Paris - PSL
Founder and COO: Laurent Boitard
CEO: Yamina Ghomchi