Strategic Steering Committee
The Board of Directors appoints a Strategic Steering Committee (SSC) comprised of 12 distinguished scholars, French and international, chosen for their world-renowned expertise in the areas of science, the humanities, the arts, design, research transformation and knowledge dissemination. The SSC assesses PSL’s initiatives as a whole and steers PSL policy. It meets once annually.
- Jo Beall : Economy; « Distinguished Research Fellow », London School of Economics
- Luciano Saso: Professor of Pharmacology, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
- Willy Benz : Astrophysics; Professor of astrophysics, University of Bern.
- Paula Crabtree : Arts; Vice-Chancellor, Stockholm University of the Arts
- Ghislaine Filliatreau : Senior researcher, representative of the scientific integrity office, INSERM
- Dame Julia Higgins : Physics; Professor, Imperial College London; President, Institute of Physics, UK
- Hans Joas : Sociology of Religion; Professor, Humboldt University of Berlin
- Cristina Mantegna : Palaeography and Diplomatics; Professora Associata, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Low teck Seng : Engineering; CEO, National Research Foundation Singapore
- Anja Desiree Senz : Sinologist, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Teaching, Heidelberg University
- Martin Vetterli : Engineering, President, EPFL
- Mickael Worton : Arts, Emeritus Professor & former Vice Provost, University College London