Steering Committee
A scientific steering committee oversees the Chair’s strategic direction. The committee meets annu-ally as a jury to award the dissertation prize, and as needed to review applications for awarding the doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships.
The steering committee was chaired by Anne-Marie Turcan-Verkerk until December 2019.
, Professor of Esthetics at the Beaux-Arts de Paris, takes up her mandate as President of the Steering Committee of the Beauty Chair(s) on 4 December 2019.
Members of the Steering Committee
, Professor of physics, ESPCI-PSL, Institut Langevin.
, Research Director at EHESS and EPHE-PSL, historian and philosopher of science, paleoanthropologist.
, Research Director, EPHE-PSL, Department of Life and Earth Sciences.
, Professor of contemporary philosophy, ENS-PSL. Director of École Normale Supérieure (ENS-PSL).
, Research Director at the CNRS, member of the PMMH laboratory at ESPCI-PSL.
, Research Director at the CNRS, specialist in literature and philosophy.
, Historian and film critic, ENS-PSL.
Scientific Coordination
Thania Birem Perez
contact :
The steering committee may call on outside experts for assistance when required.
Scientific Committee
The scientific committee is involved in the animation of the chair, and feeds the research axes of the Chair through collective thinking.
It also contributes to the dissemination of the Chair's various calls for projects, and may occasionally take part in the selection of applications alongside the steering committee.
Members of the Scientific Committee
, CNRS [literature and history of sciences] ;
, Université de Fribourg [philosophy] ;
, ENSAD [arts and arts sciences] ;
, INRIA [mathematics, computer sciences] ;
, Mines Paris - PSL, [engineering] ;
, CNRS [art history] ;
, CNRS [art history] ;
, Mines Paris - PSL, [engineering] ;
, Université de Lausanne, [philosophy] ;
, University of Tokyo, Intermédiathèque, [aesthetics, curator]
, Beaux-Arts de Paris, [art history & political sciences] ;
, Beaux-Arts de Paris, [art history] ;
, Université de Toulon, [sociology]
, University of Cambridge, [physics] ;
, École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL, [chemistry] ;
, Université de Rouen, [greek literature and language].