Institut Curie

Institut Curie, global leader in the fight against cancer, is both an internationally renowned research center and a state-of-the-art hospital providing treatment for all types of cancer, including its most rare forms.

Founded in 1909 by Marie Curie, Institut Curie is a community of 3,300 researchers, physicians, and caregivers working at 3 locations (Paris, Saint-Cloud and Orsay) to fulfill the institute’s threefold mission of care, research, and teaching. A public-service private foundation recognized under French law, Institut Curie is authorized to receive donations and bequests. These gifts allow the institute to make new discoveries even faster, thereby improving the treatment and quality of life of those living with cancer.


Institut Curie
26 rue d'Ulm
75248 Paris cedex 05

01 56 24 55 00