Steps to rent accommodation: support, allowances, guarantors

Rent is a significant item in your budget. It is essential to get informed before starting the process.  In France, students of all nationalities benefit from specific State allowances to find accommodation.

Avant d'entamer votre recherche de logement

Budget à prévoir

Le contexte locatif parisien est souvent qualifié de « tendu », car l’offre y est moins importante que la demande. La compétition est rude et il peut s'avérer difficile de trouver un logement qui réponde à toutes les exigences en termes de prix, surface et localisation. Cette fourchette de prix des loyers vous donnera un aperçu pour bien évaluer votre budget.


Fourchette de prix des loyers en région parisienne (pour studio type 18m²) :

Prix moyen par mois
Chambre chez l'habitant entre 500€ et 700€ entre 350€ et 450€
Chambre en colocation entre 500€ et 700€ entre 350€ et 450€
Studio résidence étudiante type Crous entre 450€ et 550€ entre 400€ et 550€
Studio à partir de 600€ entre 500 et 650€

Source :

Housing allowances

In France, students of all nationalities benefit from specific State allowances to find accommodation.

  • The Caisse d’allocation familiale (): If you pay rent for your main home and your income is low, you may be entitled to housing allowance (APL or ALS) depending on the type of your home. You can fill out a request online and estimate the amount of your aid.
  • (Aide à l’installation dans un logement pour les étudiants) is a lump sum of €900.
  • : monthly allowance paid by the City of Paris for tenants with low income.

Security deposits

The security deposit is money to be paid at the time of signing the lease. This money is usually returned at the end of the lease unless there is damage to the accommodation. Its amount can vary between one or two months of rent depending on the type of home, lease...

In case of need, you can benefit from the which enables you to immediately pay the security deposit requested by the landlord and to refund it little by little, without paying interest, over a maximum period of 25 months. The maximum amount is €1,200.

The guarantor is a person who stands surety for the tenant’s debt. In case the tenant doesn’t pay the rent and additional charges, the guarantor is required to pay them. The guarantor may be either a physical person or an organization.

In the event of a housing emergency

The PSL Housing Service is not qualified to address emergency situations. You should contact the Crous social service by making an appointment with the social worker via their website: . You should also contact the head of your department at your PSL school.

The Fonds de solidarité pour le logement (FSL) provides financial aid for housing expenses (bills, rent, etc.).
Contact: aides.sociales[@]

Financial problems

The Fonds de solidarité pour le logement (FSL) provides financial support for housing expenses (bills, rent, etc.). Contact: aides.sociales[@]

Legal aid

is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to offer legal advice on any question about accommodation. Free service is available on appointment in every city hall.