
As part of its lecture series, the Research Chair on Beauty studies will invite numerous experts each year to address top-ics specific to the concept of the beauty. Those experts, drawing on experience gained in an array of scientific and artistic disciplines, will share their reflections and current research and invite us to rethink our relationnship with beauty.

Upcoming event


October 2024

Objects and Criteria of Beauty in Everyday Life in Japan
A performing-lecture preceded by a tea ceremony

October 17, 6.00pm - 8pm

featuring :

Kei OSAWA, Researcher, University of Tokyo Museum.
Takashi TODA, 14th Head of the Tanimatsuya Toda.

Mines Paris-PSL
Salle des colonnes

March 2024

Selecting Beauty?
A perfoming-lecture of Suzanne de Baecque's show "Tenir Debout"

March 11, 6.30pm - 8pm

featuring :

Claudine Cohen, historian and philosopher of science, Director of Studies at EHESS and Emeritus Director of Studies at EPHE - PSL.
Camille Couvry, researcher and sociologist at the Max Weber Centre, lecturer at Jean Monnet University and winner of the 2019 Chaire Beauté.s thesis prize.
Suzanne de Baecque, actress and director.
Gabrielle Smith, director and doctoral student in the history of fashion at Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne.
Maria Francesca Martinez Tagliavia, director of the Palermo Modern Art Gallery and the Giuseppe Pitrè Sicilian Ethnographic Museum.

Beaux-Arts de Paris
Amphithéâtre d'honneur

June 2023

Fragments of beauty: from subway dust to stardust

June 27, 6PM-8PM 


Cecile Engrand, CNRS Research Director;
Lionel Sabatté, painter, sculptor and draftsman;
Yannick Mercoyrol, director of cultural programming at Chambord.

Beaux-Arts de Paris
Amphithéâtre d'honneur

September 2022

An ark of beauty

September 20, 6PM-8PM (UTC+1)


Anne Simon, CNRS Research Director, République des Savoirs : Lettres, Sciences, Philosophie (USR 3608 - CNRS-ENS-Collège de France / PSL);
Baptiste Lanaspèze, director of Wildproject Editions and author.

Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle
57 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris

June 2022

Structural colors

June 14, 2022, 6PM-8PM (UTC+1)


María Boto Ordoñez, Researcher at Ghent University School of the Arts. Head of the Laboratorium, the experimental art/design and biotechnology laboratory at the School of Arts Gent (KASK) ;
Ann Veronica Janssens, visual artist. Head of studio at Beaux-Arts de Paris;
Heleen Sintobin, designer, Ghent University School of Art;
Liliana D'Alba, biology Researcher, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden (Netherlands).

Beaux-Arts de Paris
Amphithéâtre d'honneur

March 2022

Material's elegance

March 31, 2022, 6PM-8PM (UTC+1)


Benoît Roman, CNRS Research Director, member of the PMMH laboratory at ESPCI - PSL ;
Dominique Peysson, visual artist and arts researcher;
Guitemie Maldonado,professor at the Beaux-Arts de Paris, art historian.

Beaux-Arts de Paris
Amphithéâtre d'honneur

March 2021

Beauty and self-constructing

March 19, 2021, 6PM-8PM (UTC+1)
Live on YouTube


Gisèle Dambuyant, Sociologist;
Camille Froidevaux-Metterie, Feminist Philosopher and Pr. of Political Science;
ORLAN, artist.

45, rue d'Ulm.
Salle Dussane

January 2020

Body beauties

January 16, 6PM-8PM (UTC+1)

Conservatoire National Supérieur d’Art Dramatique de Paris
2bis Rue du Conservatoire, 75009 Paris

November 2019

Beauty and Truth

Can we think about beauty in terms of truth? or truth in terms of beauty? For its inaugural confer-ence, the Research Chair on Beauty studies asks three noted figures from different disciplinary backgrounds to tell how they grapple with concepts of beauty and truth in their scientific or artistic practices.

November, Thursday 28, 2019
6 p.m. - 8 p. m.

Collège de France
11 Place Marcelin Berthelot, 75231 Paris
Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé