Nuclear energy

The Master Nuclear Energy (Nuclear Engineering) is an international Master's degree that aims to provide high-level foreign and French students with the main skills needed in the nuclear industry producing low-carbon electricity.
Through the quality and scope of the content covered, it makes it possible to meet a wide range of needs of companies in this field by recruiting students with high initial employability. This Master's degree also aims to prepare students for research in the nuclear field. The entire Master's programme therefore integrates the various professions in civil nuclear energy. The courses are taught entirely in English.
The two M1 majors (Physics & Engineering and Chemistry & Chemical Engineering) aim to provide a broad education ranging from the indispensable scientific and technological aspects to the physical and chemical aspects of the nuclear energy field. They share a common core and include both fundamental courses underpinning the nuclear energy professions and courses oriented towards chemistry or physics. These two M1 tracks provide all the knowledge needed to follow one of the following M2 tracks.
In Master 2, five majors can be chosen: Fuel Cycle, Decommissioning and Waste Management, Operations, Nuclear Plant and Design, Nuclear Reactor Physics and Engineering.
This master's degree is part of
Pedagogical objectives
The objective of the course is to provide students with expertise in the nuclear energy sector and specialisation in a particular field, from fuel chemistry to decommissioning, including plant design and management.
The objectives of the M1 year are to ensure a solid base of training in the basic disciplines prior to the specialisation proposed in M2, and to manage the diversity of previous courses.
The specialisation in the 2nd year must enable the student to acquire a skill in one of the 5 proposed majors.
The training consists of one year of M1 (60 ECTS) and one year of M2 (60 ECTS).
- M1: common core + modules specific to each major + an internship of 10 weeks.
- M2: common core + modules specific to each major partially shared + a 20-week internship
See details in the Program tab.

Erasmus Students
For the M2 fuel cycle major, we welcome Erasmus students. Please see the website to know how to apply.
Target audience
The Master 1 Nuclear Energy is aimed at students holding a Bachelor of Science degree.
Career opportunities
This training is aimed at students eager to pursue a career in the industry in the nuclear energy sector or energy transition, as well as those wishing to pursue a thesis for a career in research.
- Acquired expertise in the electro-nuclear field
- 5 specialisations to choose
- Training in innovation through research: over the 2 years of the course, students will be required to complete 30 weeks of internships in different industrial groups or academic partners.
- Industrial partnerships: the Nuclear Energy Master's Degree is the subject of a multi-year agreement with EDF, and various industrial players are involved, particularly in the running of courses or site visits.
- International outlook: the two years of the Master's programme are taught in English, with support courses in French for foreign students. The Master's degree has obtained the labels of International Institute of Nuclear Energy (I2EN) and European Master's in Nuclear Energy (EMINE).
- Teaching excellence: a training programme led by major players in the Paris region (PSL, IP Paris, Université Paris-Saclay, Ecole des Ponts).
This two-year course (120 ECTS) consists of one year of M1 (60 ECTS) and one year of M2 specialisation (60 ECTS).
All the courses are given in Saclay on the premises of INSTN. École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL is involved in the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering track which will be the only one detailed here. The program of the Physics and Engineering track is detailed on the website of the University of Paris Saclay.
Objectives of the Master 1:
- to ensure a solid base of training in the basic disciplines prior to the specialisation proposed in M2
- manage the diversity of students' previous backgrounds and training objectives
The modules of the core curriculum are:
- Nuclear Physics
- Thermodynamics
- Interactions of Radiation with Matter
- Basic Neutronics
- Energy Production Technologies
- Mathematics
- Language & Culture
- Economics of Energy
- Project Management
- Chemical Engineering
- Data processing
The modules of the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering major are:
- Speciation and Process
- Chemistry of Materials
- Radiolysis
- Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy
- Analysis Methods Nuclear Field
- Separation chemistry
The M1 year includes a 10-week internship that can be carried out in the research laboratories of the partner schools.
All Master 2 students will follow a common core curriculum whose objective is to build common skills necessary for a good analysis of concepts that will be presented in each major. The technical and scientific content of this common core provides the basic knowledge necessary to work in the field of nuclear energy. The student will then continue by specializing in one of the 5 majors.
A 20-week internship in an industrial environment or in a research, academic or industrial group will allow the student to deepen his or her training project in a specific field.
Among the 5 majors, École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL is involved in Fuel Cycle which will be the only one detailed here. The programme of the other majors is detailed on the .
- Fuel Cycle
This speciality is a reference training in the field of nuclear energy with the aim of giving future managers a global vision of chemistry and physico-chemistry applied to the nuclear field, through high-level theoretical and practical teaching.
The specificity of this speciality is to provide all the scientific tools to study the behaviour of radionuclides in condensed phase. It also enables students to complete a thesis and to pursue careers in research.
All courses are taught in English.
- Master 1: Students holding a bachelor's degree or scientific bachelor's degree (Physics, Chemistry, Science and Technology, Mechanics, Engineering Sciences, etc.).
- Master 2: Students holding a scientific M1 level, engineering students in dual curriculum, students of the Fédération Gay-Lussac in mobility.
Recruitment process (M1)
Online application from February 25 to March 24, 2025.
Tuition fees 2025/2026
- EU students: €250
- Non-EU students: €6250
- Student Life and Campus Fee (CVEC) : €103 /year -
Institution of registration: École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris -PSL or Université de Paris Saclay.
Diploma awarded: National Master's degree awarded by the University PSL or the University of Paris Saclay

Heads of the Master’s
Grégory Lefèvre
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