
Program type Initial Training
Degree Master's
Graduate program(s) Engineering (ISAI)
Domain(s) Engineering
Discipline(s) Chemistry, Mechanics and Materials, Physics, Engineering Science
Teaching language(s) English
Place Paris

PSL host school

Other PSL school(s) contributing to the curriculum

Student Story

The Master’s in Energy, providing an education in energy options for a carbon-free future, is hosted by PSL’s three engineering schools: MINES Paris - PSL, École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL and ESPCI Paris- PSL.
The program’s curriculum covers all of the fields involved in transforming the energy sector. Numerous simulations have indicated that our ecosystem cannot sustain itself unless we are able to reduce carbon dioxide emissions fourfold by 2050. Experts are aware of the fields in which changes must be made to achieve this, but in many cases the technologies required are still in developmental stages. Innovation will be required at several levels, from materials to energy systems and system components.

This master's degree is part of the

Call for application - PSL PhD track in Engineering

Learning outcomes

The goal of this program is to provide students expert command of the energy sector and the challenges of decarbonization. Students will become proficient in measuring the system-wide impacts of technological innovations in the energy sector, gain working knowledge of conversion systems, and will master the methods, tools, and criteria required for informed decision-making.

  • In the M1 year, students will strengthen their foundations in the core disciplines required before specializing in the M2 year. M1 coursework takes the diversity of student backgrounds into full account.
  • In the M2 year, students will specialize, gaining the dual expertise necessary to provide fresh perspectives to problem sets and to drive innovation.


The program includes an M1 year (60 ECTS) and an M2 year (60 ECTS). M1 & M2 are totally taught in English.

  • M1: Core curriculum + one group project + one 2-month internship
  • M2: Core courses + two specialized tracks (out of 4) + one 6-month internship

Who should apply?

The Master’s 1 in Energy is open to students with a Bachelor of Science and to students applying for admission from engineering schools in particular.


This program is for students interested in a career in research after completing a PhD.
Future careers include positions with teaching and research institutions or research centers in the industrial sector.

Dual degree

Available (dual curriculum possible for student engineers at École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL and ESPCI Paris - PSL)


  • Expert command of the energy sector and the challenges of decarbonization
  • Interdisciplinarity
  • Training in innovation through research: Over the two-year course of study, students will complete 10 months of internship experience with academic or industrial research groups.
  • Industry partners: Given the highly applied nature of this discipline and the consistent focus on innovation throughout the curriculum, the program involves close contact with industry leaders throughout the two years; they will lead classes and lecture series, provide site tours, and host internships.
  • International exposure: M1 & M2 are totally taught in English. International recruiting takes place through existing networks between the program’s 3 host institutions and institutions abroad, including in China and Brazil.
  • Expert teaching: Professors from France’s top engineering schools (École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL, MINES Paris - PSL, ESPCI Paris - PSL).

This two-year program (120 ECTS) is divided into an M1 year (60 ECTS) and an M2 year (60 ECTS) during which students specialize.


Objectives of the M1 year:

  • Expose students to the energy sector, with particular focus on environmental and economic considerations.
  • Strengthen students’ foundations in the core disciplines required before specializing in the M2 year.
  • Take full account of students’ diverse backgrounds and consider students’ individual education goals.
  • Expose students to a diverse array of teaching and assessment formats.

Core first year modules:

  • Thermo-mechanics of fluids
  • Process design
  • Modeling industrial processes
  • Data Processing
  • Python programming
  • Electro-chemistry and corrosion
  • Basics on nuclear energy
  • Materials for the engineer

Some modules will be provided in MOOC format.

Depending on a student’s background, some courses may be optional.
To expose M1 students to key issues in the energy sector, coursework will include a MOOC on Global Energy Issues and students will attend a PSL lecture series on energy economics.
A group project cuts across the full curriculum, touching on topics related to the M2 year areas of specialization.
The M1 year includes a 2-month internship in a research laboratory at one of the program’s partner schools.


All M2 students will take core courses aimed at developing the necessary skills for analyzing the concepts that will be presented in each sub-track. The technical and scientific content of this common core provides the energy systems fundamentals necessary for working in the energy sector, and includes energy conversion systems of all types.
Students will choose two of four available tracks to build the dual expertise required for a solid command of the problem sets in this highly multidisciplinary field.

Second-year tracks:

  • Energy Efficiency
    This track provides instruction in the design methods and technologies required for achieving high energy efficiency. The methodological approach draws on the fundamentals of thermodynamics and includes optimization and modeling techniques. Covered areas of application include industrial processes, urban environment and construction, and mobility systems.
  • Reducing Carbon Footprint
    Transitioning to clean fuel is a key way of reducing environmental impact. It involves processes for the extraction, capture, and recovery of CO2 and the manufacture of synthetic fuels (H2, hydrocarbons) with applications in energy storage.
    Students study these basic phenomena and become familiar with scientific and technological barriers.
  • Renewable Energy Integration
    Over the coming years, much focus will be placed on optimized integration of renewable energy into power grids. Ongoing developments relate to resource appraisal, forecasting production and demand, production systems performance, and predictive management of grid power, including storage.
  • Technologies of Renewable Energy Systems
    Understand the phenomena occurring within conversion device (battery, fuel cell, photovoltaic conversion...) ; to recognise the typical responses of a device according to the chemistry involved, and its  specific material; to calculate the energies and powers supplied from the results of conventional electrochemical tests; to adapt a device according to the specifications of the application address.  Issues, challenges, modelling contributions, and recycling approches will be developped.

All M1 & M2 courses are taught in English.

The second semester of the M2 year is spent completing a 6-month internship with an academic or industry research group, allowing students to further specialize in a specific field.



  • Master’s Year 1: Students must have a Bachelor’s degree or a Bachelor of Science degree (Chemistry, Physics, Science and Technology, Mechanics, Engineering Science, etc.).
  • Master’s Year 2: Students must have reached the M1 level in science, engineering students with a double major.

Admissions process (September 2025 intake)

  •  (regardless of applicant's nationality) + interview.
    Non-EU students: Please note that you should only create an 'Études en France' (Studying in France) application for pre-consular formalities after being admitted to the Master's programMore information.
  • Admission open! Regular admissions (for French and international students) : January 14 to March 13, 2025 (23h59 pm, CET time) 
  • (Admission closed) Early admissions (fast track session): October 17 to December 4, 2024 (23h59 pm, CET time) 
    This session is intended for international newcomer students for the 2025-26 academic year, and/or applying for an international scholarship (Bourses Eiffel etc.). Applications submitted in this first session but not meeting these criteria will be evaluated in the 2nd session.
    Without any specific administrative or financial constraints (visa, scholarships etc.), it is strongly recommended to wait for the 2nd session so that your application is as complete as it can possibly be (transcripts of your current year's grades etc.). For more information, please contact the teaching team: .

    In preparing your application, please include the following:
    Photocopy of both sides of your ID card (passport, residence permit, etc.); ID photo; Transcripts for the 6 semesters of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent; Certificate of successful completion of Bachelor’s (+ M1 for students applying to the M2 year); CV; Cover letter explaining your interest in the program; Contact information for two academic references; Certification of level of proficiency in English (TOEIC, TOEFL, etc. - optional). B2 leve
  • (Admission closed) Phd track in Engineering : October 17 to December 12, 2024 (23h59 pm, CET time) 
    From the start of the 2024 academic year, PSL University will offer a new Phd track in Engineering, applied sciences & innovation. Highly selective and entirely taught in English, PSL PhD tracks are 5-year fully funded programs designed for high-potential students aspiring to become top-level researchers. More information

The application portal will provide a detailed list of attachments required, which can be uploaded directly. Applications are 100% paperless.

Tuition fees 2024/2025

  • Tuition fees :
    • French and EU students : €250 /year (set by ministerial decree)
    • Non-EU students not benefiting from an exemption : €3,879 / year
  • Student Life and Campus Fee (CVEC) : €103 /year -

Institution for registration: MINES Paris - PSL
Degree issued: National French Master’s degree delivered by ̳ 


  • (Appel à candidature clôturé) MASTER (M1 & M2) | Procédure internationale Fast track : du 17 octobre au 4 décembre 2024 (23h59 CET time) 

Cette session de recrutement s'adresse aux étudiants internationaux primo-arrivants au titre de l’année académique 2025/26, et/ou candidatant à une bourse internationale d'études (Bourses Eiffel etc.). Les dossiers soumis à cette première session mais ne répondant pas à ces critères seront évalués dans le cadre de la 2ème session de recrutement du Master.

Sans contraintes administratives ou financières spécifiques (visa, bourses etc.), il est recommandé d’attendre la 2ème session afin que votre dossier soit le plus complet possible (relevés de notes de votre année en cours etc.). Pour toutes précisions sur ces critères d’éligibilité, n’hésitez pas à contacter l’équipe pédagogique :


  • (Appel à candidature clôturé) PHD TRACK in Engineering : du 17 octobre au 12 décembre 2024 (23h59 CET time)

L'université PSL propose depuis la rentrée 2024 un nouveau Phd track in engineering, applied sciences & innovation. Hautement sélectifs et entièrement dispensés en anglais, les PhD tracks préparent à une carrière de recherche, en France ou à l’international. En savoir plus.

Frais de scolarité 2024/2025 

  • Droits de scolarité :
    • Étudiants français et communautaires : 250 € /an
    • Étudiants extra-communautaires ne bénéficiant pas d'une exonération : 3879 € / an
  • Contribution Vie étudiante et de Campus (CVEC) : 103€ /an -

Établissement d’inscription : MINES Paris - PSL
Diplôme délivré : Diplôme national de Master délivré par l'̳

Natacha, alumna of the master's program in Energy

“The master’s program has given me a tangible perspective on the environmental challenges we face and a desire to take action”

As a sustainable development consultant, Natacha looks back on her path within the master's program in Energy provided by 3 PSL engineering schools (MINES Paris - PSL, École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL & ESPCI Paris - PSL), her interest in environmental issues and her carreer choice.



Rachna and Cristina, alumni of the master's program in Energy


Responsables du Master

  • Assaad Zoughaib
  • Armelle Ringuede

Application timelines

January 14 - March 13, 2025

Further information

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